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08 Plate Cbf600 Blowing Tailight Fuse


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As title really, mates got one and its randomly blowing the taillight fuse, wires all seem ok, holders appear clean for the bulbs, its takes the indicators with it as well when it goes. No real pattern to it, only thing I found on the net was some were recalled for electric problem so he's chasing that up, any other idea's? Ta muchly

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Well its not blowing bulbs in the tail, it is just the fuse but its the fact the indicators stop as well as they are meant to be on a separate fuse.......take it no one else has come across this on these then?

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  • 4 months later...

Finally tracked down the fault after thinking it had been solved by rearranging the wires in the headlight bowl. Turns out the wiring/sleeve had been worn through by a lug on the headstock behind the light.....so every time you turned right it would catch the frame, moving the wires last time had only moved the damaged one away and it then worked its way back round

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