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No Brakes


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Bike has been stood for over a year, now has no pressure whatsoever in the brake system. Handlebar mounted reservoir has went to "low".

Is it just a case of topping up and bleeding the system, or has the fluid gone somewhere ie a reserve reservoir etc?

Bike is zx6 '05

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Most likely have the calipers off, pads out and give em a good clean. Then check all the bleed nipples, banjos making sure that they are tight. Perhaps replace all the copper washers.

Put it all back together. New fluid and then bleed them.

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The fluid doesn't disappear, you've got a leak or a prankster around the place.

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The fluid doesn't disappear, you've got a leak or a prankster around the place.

This ^^^

You will soon find out when you put fluid in the system and pull the brakes on (hard).

You are probably looking at a rebuild (New seals) as i would think its leaking past the pistons myself.

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you need to find out where the fluids gone before you can tell whats going wrond. as budget boy says your prob looking at a seal that's perished. check everything and if need be replace everything like washers and seals and new fluid. if I was doing it id try bleeding the brakes with new fluid then looking for the leak once bled as you have to put a fair bit of pressure through them when bleeding if using the brake lever method. if you cant find a leak and they bleed up ok then you should be fine. not something you can mess about with really so if your not confident you've checked everything take it to a garage and explain and thell give it the once over.

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Thanks guys bled the master cylinder and there's plenty of pressure and bite now, however there is a pronounced rubbing sound coming from the front wheel so I think the calipers may be seized onto the disk from lack of use, think il book it into the garage, thanks again

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Thanks guys bled the master cylinder and there's plenty of pressure and bite now, however there is a pronounced rubbing sound coming from the front wheel so I think the calipers may be seized onto the disk from lack of use, think il book it into the garage, thanks again

How bad is it? does it affect the roation of the wheel?

I think all of my bikes have had a slight dragging/rubbing noise coming from the front wheel if they've been stood for a couple of days. It normally goes away after i actually use the brakes for a bit.

I'd take it out for a little spin first to see if the noise disappears before you book it in to the garage.

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take the calipers off and pump the pistons out a little way.. clean these up and add a smear of red rubber grease to the as you pus them back. Do this 1st as it could just be a dry dust seal (not fluid seal) that is causing it to stick a bit.. Save yourself a few quid mate.

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