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06 Blade Exup Valve Fitting


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Just bought an 06 blade, the previous owner had a sort of metal digeridoo fitted instead of an exhaust, I'm going back to the stock item, but he'd not only disconnected the exup from the cables (obviously, otherwise the cables would still be dangling!), but he's moved where the servo motor is too. I can see a little pocket behind the battery, it'd be ideal for the motor to sit, but I've no idea which way round it goes, or worse still, how it actually attaches to anything in there. Anybody mind pulling the back of their bike apart and taking some photos please?

I've had a look at parts diagrams and unfortunately this bit is on its own page so I can't see what interacts with the other bits, if you know what I mean.

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Buy me a full exhaust (or even just a nice end can & link, I'm easy to please) and I'll fit it right away, but none of this 'race use only' shit which actually means 'inconsiderate obnoxious bastards only, not legal on the road, not legal on 99% of tracks either, it's just because you have a bit of a complex and you want people to look at you'. Fuck that shit, especially at 6:45AM when I'm leaving on earlies, or at midnight when I'm coming home off a late.

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