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Changing Voltage Output


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I have a cb 900 custom,and when I meqasure the voltage when idling,it's around 14.6 without the lights on and around 13.8 with lights on.Is that too high?I saw on a youtube video that on the vintage cb 750 it's possible to regulate the voltage output on the rectifier-don't think it's the regulator because I changed that a few years back and I saw no screws or obvious knobs on it.The video wasn't terribly clear on the proceedure,it just showed a guy turning a screw on something without telling much about where and what that was.Maybe I wasn't paying attention.

Is it possible to adjust the voltage,and if so where do I look?

Thanks in advance :)

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It's possible that the original 750 had an electro/mechanical regulator , certainly my ancient RD200 had one.

You can adjust the voltage on them , but not on more modern stuff with solid state electronics .

I'd say your voltages are ok anyway !

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Thanks.Was wondering if I was looking for problems anyway right after the post.

A moderator can delete this thread as I've come to my senses again :P

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