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Cbr900Rrn - No Power


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Hey Arsix,

I believe I have some old coils that came off my RRN I also have a CDI unit off the same bike. Original Honda ones but they were working when I swapped them for some Dyna ones last winter.

All yours for £50 if your interested?

If they're working I'll take them, many thanks Toneale, if you take paypal PM me your address, don't forget to stick some postage costs on that, cheers mate :thumbsup:

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Paypal not a problem.

They were all working when they came off the bike last winter. That said I have no way of testing as I swapped all the electrics off mine.

So I'll send them over and if they work you can pay me and if they're dud just send them back no harm no foul, sound ok?

PM me your address and I'll pop them in the post tomorrow.

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Just before you change the coils I would suggest checking that the reg/rec is capping the charge voltage as the revs rise. With engine running and the multimeter across the battery terminals measuring volts (DC) increase the revs gradually. The voltage should rise to just under 15V then stop rising no matter how much the revs are increased beyond this point. If the voltage is allowed to rise much past this point the CDI will start to play up and the ignition will start to back off causing the symptoms you're describing, it's just how a speed limited would work only not based on the road speed. I had an old Kawasaki that the reg/rec failed in the above manner and that's what it did.

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Just before you change the coils I would suggest checking that the reg/rec is capping the charge voltage as the revs rise. With engine running and the multimeter across the battery terminals measuring volts (DC) increase the revs gradually. The voltage should rise to just under 15V then stop rising no matter how much the revs are increased beyond this point. If the voltage is allowed to rise much past this point the CDI will start to play up and the ignition will start to back off causing the symptoms you're describing, it's just how a speed limited would work only not based on the road speed. I had an old Kawasaki that the reg/rec failed in the above manner and that's what it did.

Hi mate, checked that, voltage stays between 14.5v - 14,.7v, pretty normal really, I've a set of coils and a CDI on the way, these will either fix the problem or eliminate these as the cause.

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Silly question here, but does your bike have a NEW fuel filter/air filter on it?

Both of these if blocked will cause you issues.. You can bypass the fuel filter just for a quick road check..Just remove the filter and connect the hose direct to the fuel pump.

Doing things with the bike on a stand is not under load, even when you put it in gear.While you are at it check you have the carbs properly seated on the rubbers and all clamps are done up "Tight".. Also check your breather lines for and kinked or split hoses.

Check these while you are waiting,,you might get a result lol.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, bike is now tax and tested so I can now test without fear, so far I have changed coils, plug caps, cdi unit and I put some new spark plugs in this afternoon, however the problems mentioned in the opening posts remain, the fuel pump has been bypassed and I've temporarily removed the fuel filter to ensure a good supply of fuel, reg/rec has been checked and voltage does not go above 15v at any revs.

The bike feels like its been fitted with a restrictor which cuts in at 4500ish rpm, the only thing I did notice on the ride was the temp gauge bearly lifted and only shifted up a bit more than that when stationery at some road works but on the move it dropped back down, air temp today is 15c so its not cold. The engine doesn't fart or splutter and idles fine. Any ideas, riding round on a neutered fireblade just isn't right :-(

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I doubt the low temperature is an issue, mine has to be sat in traffic for a very long time to get the fan to come on. under normal riding conditions the gauge barely registers above 1/4.

Did you put new leads on well when you swapped all other electrickery bits over it could be a lead breaking down under load?

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Firstly, thats a beautiful bike you have there.

Secondly - Take the bike to someone, someone who earns a living from fixing bikes, to get looked at. Chances are they would find and solve the problem for half the cost of what you've already spent changing things.

Sometimes we need to go pro, no matter how much we think we know better. Im the worst for it : )

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Success finally, after weeks of fucking about with the electrics it turned out to be a carb problem after all :facepalm: , took them off and stripped them on the bench, the needles were worn and the main jets were .122 instead of .115 , also one of the jets was rattling round in the float bowl (more :facepalm: ) , fortunately I had some main jets in the correct size and needles in good condition, thanks for everyone's help, at least I have increased my stash of parts and am now an expert in fireblade electrics :lol:

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