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Intermittent Spark


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Afternoon chaps, I'm having a lot of bother getting a spark on my track bike. It's an aprilia rs 125 that was run in the superteens class. So as simple as they come engine/electronic wise!

Basically I turn the ignition on, spin the rear wheel (no starter motor) and get one big spark from the plug, and then nothing no matter how many more turns of the wheel. Then if I flick the ignition off and then back on the whole process repeats itself. I've tried 2 known working coils and the obvious spark plugs.

What am I missing? Didnt really want to start throwing new parts at it until I narrow it down a little. I have a spare engine so I could pinch the stator plate from that, that's next thought.

It's got a race loom so hardly anything to it, all earths are earthed nicely and all plugs connected. I have had the bike running when I bought it, but a change of frame has brought this problem up!

Any advice would be muchly appreciated!

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Spent a few hours In the workshop again last night. Tried a new spark plug to get the same outcome. I then replaced the crank sensor that sits next to the magneto with a spare and still got the same problem.

I have started to think its something daft like the kill switch, disconnecting the switch gear leaves me with no spark at all, so I guess I have to bypass the switch some how?

The fact I am getting a spark on the first turn of the engine, every time, is stopping me from thinking its a serious issue? I would of bought a spare loom etc now if I was getting no spark at all.

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies about bumping this thread as I didnt get any replies last time but I really would appreciate any help at all, I'm getting close to throwing a match at the thing!

Since my last post I have fitted a new loom, cdi, reg/rec and had it in pieces a thousand times!

Still the same story one single spark until I reset the killswitch and then same again. It must be something do simple im missing?

I really dont want to join a chav filled 125 forum as no doubt my power bands will be fitted wrong. Anyone got any ideas?

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Thanks for that turok. I wired up the starter motor last night so I can turn the motor over on the button, this had no effect on my spark problem but eliminated my thoughts that I wasn't turning the engine over quick enough by hand to generate a spark. I literally can't think of anything else to try, it's so simple but causing such a headache! I do hate electrickery

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Hmmm,, id be looking at the ignition.. You say you turn it on and you get 1 spark then nothing... turn it off then on again and you get another spark.. So id start with that,then kill switch possibly.

Lucky for you the race loom has most of the shite cut out so it should be easier.

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Yep exactly that BB. I am almost sure the problem lies with the killswitch but I don't know how to bypass it. Cutting the two wires that come from the switch leaves me with no spark at all, connecting those two wires together gives me my single spark back again. Getting a new killswitch means buying a full r/hand switchgear which is something id rather not do. Back to the drawing board!

Thanks for the replies like I said any help is greatly appreciated

Edit to add I have now fitted a full complete loom to eliminate the chopped race loom been the problem.

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Side stand switch!! Obviously been a race bike I had no side stand, god only knows what I did to disturb the wiring but bypassing the plug gave me my spark back straight away. Happy chap!

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I was just looking at a wiring diagram on my phone, spotted it and had a lightbulb moment. The race loom didn't have this either so I'm abit stumped as to how it's all happened but I'm not complaining! Thanks for the help

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