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Dynatek 2000 Cdi


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OK, this has been in the garage for a while but it's one of those mods you'd like to know but equally not sure you want to do. My Bim (GSX-R1100W) has 1146 Je pistons, a bit of head work and 750 cams and the Dyna has a setting for higher compression so it makes sense ... honest.

The system is a rotating magnet which trigger a pair of pickups, the standard setup uses one pickup and a 4 point star trigger so I assume the magnets in the pickup.


I read the instructions a few times, on the tube. I had the bike dyno'd to check it was heathly and decided to take the plunge.

I disconnected the coils then turned the ignition on to find the + supply wires. Then crimped in the wire to feed the cdi from 2/3 coil. I put the cdi earth on the - of one of the batteries. Then attached the the - wires to 1/4 and 2/3 coil, these make the original wires redundant. I turned the ignition on and the cdi's led flashed (more of that later).

I took off the pickup cover, and took the star trigger pickup and backing plate off and put the Dyna bits on. So-fari so-goodi.


Theres a metal scale that installs using the cover's bolt holes, taking out the sparkly plugs makes turning the crank easier and you line the mark on the trigger to the 40 degree mark on the scale. Straight forward enough. You don't torque down the pickups back plate so you can move it (and the pickups) round to the desired position. I decided to to get the back plate so it would move if I used a punch and tack hammer. That took a few go's, you rotate the crank a few times as a check.


Remember I said the led was flashing, it isn't ment to ....

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I think what you're saying could hold water though. I changed the coils to a spare set (both are Dyna 3 ohm) that gave a constant led. So I could set up the pickup positions.

You set 1/4 pickup then check 2/3 which was out, they tell you might be in the instructions. So I jiggled 2/3 around to the max ... it still didin't work, which leaves me with a file taking away the body of the pickup ... I'm not so impressed by this, it's an IL4 and has each pickup at 180 degress I shouldn't have to mod them to fit.

They're made in the USA ... so the nuts holding the pickups are imperial size, not metric ..... that took a couple of minutes ;)

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My brain has melted.

It's not difficult to understand. The coils have a 12v supply which flows through them and out to the CDI. When you want a spark the cdi earths and that makes the coild discharge down the HT lead (well that's what I understand).

What I've don is take the live feed to power the cdi from the coil feed but when the cdi earths it earths itself efectively switching it off and on again. Which isn't good.

What I need to do is take a live feed to power the cdi. That and cross my fingers a bit.

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