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Starter Issues And Other Miseries:(


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Hi.My honda cb900c is 1 step away from getting retired (wish I could do it american style with guns ;) )

1st problem is:Should there come oil out where the starter clutch/ignition is situated?Ignition is situated above the starter cogs.

2nd problem:I have posted a video below of my problem with the starter.It only is a hassle below 5-6 degree celsius (below freezing is a MAJOR hassle up to the point of worrying it won't ever catch).Anyone have a theory about the solution to the problem?Have thought personally it might be worn out cogs or something.Could that be the case?

Thanks in advance :)

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I'm no expert with electronics by any stretch but I'll give you my two pence worth.

Hi.My honda cb900c is 1 step away from getting retired (wish I could do it american style with guns ;) )

1st problem is:Should there come oil out where the starter clutch/ignition is situated?Ignition is situated above the starter cogs.

Probably not although I haven't had any experience with cb's. I did get thrown by one bike that had a crank seal gone though, depending on your tools and the way it's set up it could be a fairly simple/cheap fix to put a new seal in but it would need further investigation, that's where I would start looking though, unless your stator sits in oil in which case it could just be an o ring or gasket.

2nd problem:I have posted a video below of my problem with the starter.It only is a hassle below 5-6 degree celsius (below freezing is a MAJOR hassle up to the point of worrying it won't ever catch).Anyone have a theory about the solution to the problem?Have thought personally it might be worn out cogs or something.Could that be the case?

Sounds like it is grating or slipping teeth on the gears to me. Again I've not had any personal experience with cb's but I did have a bike that would have a similar problem when it was cold (properly cold like you describe) and it was sorted with a new battery (or a bloody good check and charge maybe) and I went round all of the connectors cleaning them up and putting silicone dielectric grease in because I found one that looked like it had got water in and had started to corrode a bit and the battery would get drained quite quickly. That solved the problem for me, but of course if the gears have been badly damaged then it will still make a nasty noise and they'd need replacing.

Thanks in advance :)

Don't take my word as gospel, just trying to help you out a bit mate.

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Thanks for your input.Have gotten some answers at a different forum,and they say it is supposed to come out abit oil there.It's designed so,so that the springs in the ignition thing-a-ma-jig won't rust.

Have gotten a strange answer that it is the battery which is to blame for that grating noise.It's not so expensive (around 70 quid) so will go for it,but have the feeling it is worn cogs...

Thanks for reply :).Judging from lack of replies,it may be an obscure problem ;)

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Only way to tell if your battery is toast is to load test it. A multimeter might show you have 12.4V+ but its the cranking amps which you need to know.

Being in a Cold environment the cold wont help your battery,and this would be my 1st point of call..

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My 400/4 did something similar - I was told to clean out the starter motor. It gets a dust in it from the bushes wearing - you need to clean it quite thoughly between the vertical ... um fin things.

If it's the battery a quick way to tell is use a car battery or another bike battery and put some jump leads on it, if it fires then investigate the battery. It could just be it's cold and needs a bit of a top up charge

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