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Sand Blaster, Home Made.


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I've done a bit of a search but couldn't find anything on here. Searching with google showed various plans, both hand held and those bigger set ups using a tank/vessel to hold the sand. Does anyone here have experience of making one that works? And, what type of sand to I need, does that matter?

Ta muchly.

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Dont use sand as silicosis will ruin your lungs.


I also looked into making a "Home made" blaster, but i ended up buying the proper thing in the end.

'Sillycosis'. Isn't that what anyone that actually pays money for a Ducrappi has?

Smart people "end up buying the proper thing in the end"............YAMAHA! :rolleyes::lol:

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I think I'm gonna make a pressure pot type. Can I just buy cheap sand from b&q?

Oh, and regarding silicosis, I'm a motorcyclist so worry very little about the consequences. I work with aluminium and you can contract a condition from that too, I forget what it's called......

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I think I'm gonna make a pressure pot type. Can I just buy cheap sand from b&q?

Oh, and regarding silicosis, I'm a motorcyclist so worry very little about the consequences. I work with aluminium and you can contract a condition from that too, I forget what it's called......

It's called 'making you really good at working with metals'!

As for the sand.You should be able to buy it at a dedicated sandblast supplier.

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I thought you would've had a sand blaster at work?

You can get aluminum oxide powder from machine mart I think.

I built a blasting box when I was in high school, it was only going to be temporary because I didn't have space to keep it.

It was just made in chip board. The only problem I had was that the perspex screen got scratched quite easily and became opaque.

Also yeah, I believe there is a link between Alzheimer's and aluminium.

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I was thinking about this the other night, isnt making the box leak proof a big problem, or is the blasting box used out doors?..

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If its just a hobby one get this.. For the sake of £90 you have all the hard work done for you.(Or steal use the design)


If you are making a blast cabinet yourself then use silicone on all the joints when you assemble and then after its built on the cornersThe good thing about the metal unit is the corners are all bent over so they wont leak but i have also siliconed mine just to be sure.

Personally i will be using Glass bead or ally oxide..If you are going to use sand make sure it it screened kiln dried sand..make sure you keep your sand completely dry or it will clog your gun. :icon_salut:

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