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Repairing Alloy Wheels.

Ray Von

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I started the latest project on my RGV and the front wheel has got a slight ding in it.

Now it might seem incredibly sad, but i'd really like to re-use the original wheel as it what was originally on the bike when i bought it brand new in 1990 and i'm trying to keep as many original parts as i can on the bike.

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How bad is the ding?

Heat would do it.. lots of it..

i got one here im doing let me see if i have before and after pics..

Ahh yes here we go




After:- (not quite done yet as ran out of gas)but you get the idea.



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Well it's not as bad as that, but i knew something was amiss when i used the windy gun to undo the spindle and the wheel started to rise and fall, spindles bent aswell.

But when you spin the wheel there is a definite flat edge on it.

How did you get the shape right, did you use a cardboard template or summat?

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This is how I have done it before. I take no responsibilty for this being the correct or safe way of doing it, that for you to decide, but it has worked for me on mag and alloy wheels.

Clean the area back to bare Aluminium. then cut a piece of wood to the correct radius to act as a former. Next wipe a bar of soap over the damaged area, heat the area with a blow lamp till the soap goes brown, then place the wheel on your former and adjust as necessary with a large mallet.

You may need to reheat the area a couple of times. Do not quench the wheel in water at any time. When you are happy with the shape let the area cool slowly, ideally wrapping it in some blankets, and leaving it near a heat gun or heat souce for a couple of hours. Don't set fire to the blankets!!

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As Dunc says you need to make a former for the wheel,, i used wood as well.. lol

heat it up then hit it a few times,, check,,then repeat.. As dunc says let it cool SLOWLY..

* Never knew about the soap thing.. thats good that is.. :icon_salut:

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Dave east done an r6 front wheel for me for £40 a few weeks back, perfect it is. What I'm getting at is it might be worth spending the dosh if the wheels important to you, you might make it worse!

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Dave east done an r6 front wheel for me for £40 a few weeks back, perfect it is. What I'm getting at is it might be worth spending the dosh if the wheels important to you, you might make it worse!

Dave East is doing wheels again? - good to know as he'd stopped for a while.

That's where I'd go.

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Soap or acetylene soot works for Alu. Soap goes brown or soot disappears when up to temp.

Soap is better though.

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