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Runs But No Power.


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My monkey bike conked out last night, at first I thought it was running out of fuel but no, it kept loosing power until it died.

After a little rest and a tantrum from myself it started up but only at tick over. I was totally stranded 10 miles from home. I found it would run in 1st and 2nd gear as long as I did not give it any throttle.

Before this the headlight stopped working and it kept popping rear lights.

The head and tail lights only work when the bike is running so could the two be connected.

First thoughts was piston rings but compression is great, now I am unsure.

Could it be the coil or maybe the reg/rec or maybe both ?

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Blocked main jet ?

Combined with electrical gremlins ?

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I have just swapped the Reg/Rec from the Gorilla bike (both same unit) and its still not working.

Still running but any strain on the engine and it just dies.

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Blocked main jet ?

Combined with electrical gremlins ?

Sorry I did not see your reply till I had been for a spin/push.

I will have a good nosey. If that is all it is and I pushed it 5 fuggin miles last night I am gonna Grrrrr. :biggrinvk4:

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got to be a dead battery/alternator setup innit?

It runs on its own generator once its kicked over. Battery is not really needed as it ran for a whole year with a dead battery.

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Do you want me to come and bring it round to mine and have a look at the charging circuit? 50/50 toss up between fuel starvation and a weak spark caused by a shitty charging circuit, luckily both are a piece of piss to diagnose on a bike the size of yours. If it's an iffy coil then you're best off just trying to borrow one from your breaker mate and then seeing if it sorts it out.

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Do you want me to come and bring it round to mine and have a look at the charging circuit? 50/50 toss up between fuel starvation and a weak spark caused by a shitty charging circuit, luckily both are a piece of piss to diagnose on a bike the size of yours. If it's an iffy coil then you're best off just trying to borrow one from your breaker mate and then seeing if it sorts it out.

Thanks for the offer but I am now running low on time. (Its not a no but a not yet)

Its in bits again and my living room stinks of petrol, draining the tank to check the tap filter fingy.

I have a spare coil from the gorilla 110 and will give them a go first. :thumbsup:

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Do you have a multimeter? if not, take a stroll down to maplins, you can get one for about a tenner and check that between each of the cables coming out of your generator (you should have 3 of them if it's like a normal bike) you've about 50V AC. Then have a look across the battery, you should then have about 13V DC. The only fly in the ointment is that my knowledge is based on bikes with normal charging systems, yours not needing a battery makes my brain go runny and come out of my ear.

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Why is the bike always sat on top of the toolbox you need something out of ?

Red flakes of paint found in the bottom of the fuel tap.

I might be calling on your multimeter skills anyway as I have not got a clue how to use one. (It reminds me of the washing machine with far to many settings)

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As i stated in my 1st post it will now be this.. Should be about £20 for a new one..


You did but I wanted to rule every thing I can do for free out first.

Only thing I have not done yet is swap the coils over.

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Have i missed something? is there no spark?

Spark is present and correct.

It runs as it brought me home from 5 miles away on tickover, its only when I rev it or put the engine under strain it fails.

The coils are not interchangeable so I will be looking at them another day along with the generator.

Quite frankly I have been at it all day and its starting to piss me off. Calling it a day now.

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Honestly . check main jet.

Had this on a TS125 years ago , running fine , just lost power , but would tick over.

main jet had sucked a bit of shit into it and as soon as you opened the throttle it would weaken off and die .

Coils etc. can break down under load , but try the simple stuff first !

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I agree with willbloke, sounds like fuel, main jet or fuel tap, tap easily checked just by pulling the fuel pipe off the carb and checking the flow.

worth checking the tank breather too, unlikely to be the problem with the tiny amount of fuel it will be using but worth a look

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Honestly . check main jet.

Had this on a TS125 years ago , running fine , just lost power , but would tick over.

main jet had sucked a bit of shit into it and as soon as you opened the throttle it would weaken off and die .

Coils etc. can break down under load , but try the simple stuff first !

Striped and rebuilt the complete carb. Few paint flakes in the fuel tap but otherwise all clear.

I am not super mechanical minded but I can work things out but I am getting all confused looking at coils and generators when they go on about ac/dc and single and 3 phase electrics.

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Is it starting and ticking over ok? have you had the throttle slide out of the carb? not unknown for the clips to come off so the needle wont lift

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Is it starting and ticking over ok? have you had the throttle slide out of the carb? not unknown for the clips to come off so the needle wont lift

Carb slide is fine and the carb is clean inside.

I am going to have to ring ooracing on Tuesday as this generator and coil thing is confusing.

Last time I spoke to them they got all confused too, apparently my bike does not exist. He could not place the engine or the frame as it was a small private order.

Madness I tells you.

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Pm me the details of your bike make,model ect and i will try and help you out.

i will also help you to test your stator if you get yourself a multimeter.

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Pm me the details of your bike make,model ect and i will try and help you out.

i will also help you to test your stator if you get yourself a multimeter.

I have got a multimeter just not a fuggin clue how to use it.

Sending a pm in a bit, have to wizz off on a mission.

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