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Narrow Track Discs With Standard Calipers And Pads?


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I've been splashing out since I last posted on here, and need a bit of help from you technical gurus. Feel free to ridicule me if it's a stupid question, but I can't seem to get a straightforward answer anywhere I've tried so far.

I've bought myself an SP1 race bike, then got a sexy set of ex BSB Dymags to go on it. The wheels came with Brembo discs (same that were fitted to them in BSB) and the swept area of the discs is around 5mm narrower than the standard discs. They fit in the SP1 calipers ok, and the pads look like they fit alright and aren't hanging over the edge of the disc.

So my question is, will I need different pads/calipers to use these discs? I'm hoping one of you says different pads would be all I need because I could live with the minor inconvenience of swapping pads when I swap the wheels over!

I don't really have that much cash, and the standard wheels and discs will be used for wets. I can't afford to buy a whole new ISR, PFM etc brake set up and new discs for the standard wheels.

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Are the pads over hanging the disc on the inner diameter? Narrow track discs are better as the inner diameter is usually bigger.

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Cheers for the tips guys, I'm working away so I'll have a measure up at the end of the week.

They didn't look to be fouling anything on the inside of the swept area but I'll have a proper check.

I didn't think of the line of the pistons (because I'm a muppet!), I'll definitely check that out. I've just replaced all the seals in the calipers!

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Having been through this type of thing before, if the narrow track discs are the same diameter as the standard SP1 discs you may find the inner edge of the standard SP1 pads will foul the disc bobbins.

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Hi Mark, I'll get some pics up when I'm back at the weekend. They'll have to be naked ones though cos I haven't painted the new fairings yet and the ones that are on it look crap!

Still got the trusty viffer, love it too much to sell it. Got sick of getting my ass kicked on every straight though, so went for this so I can do some Thundersport Golden Era Superbike races this year.

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Thanks again for the advice chaps, all fitted ok except pads just clip the disc bobbins (by 0.3mm) but wheel still spinned. Bodging option is to skim about 0.5mm from the bottom of the pads and problem solved.


If any one is interested I'll stick some more pics up in the your bikes section

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As a side thought, you do realise that 16.5" part used cheap slicks is a sinking ship due to the rule changes? Thats why you can get loads of 16.5" tasty wheels at the min.....

Just a thought if you're thinking of having easy access to tyres etc.

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As a side thought, you do realise that 16.5" part used cheap slicks is a sinking ship due to the rule changes?

Yeah I'm aware of that one, it's the only reason I could afford the wheels! This year is my 'throw everything I've got at racing' year, probably won't have the cash next year so I'll be making the most of them while they're still around; then I'll probably get another set of standard wheels or if I win the lottery a nice set of 17" and have some nice garage ornaments!

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