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Dremmels ?


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Looking at possibly buying a Dremmel. It's going to be mainly for polishing work. Fuller also do a similar one but 1/2 the price. Had a bit of Fuller stuff in last couple of years and honestly not been that impressed.

Anyone used a Fuller ? Can you get all the extra kit for Fullers, drill stands etc ? By same token, are Dremmel worth spending the extra on ?

Any other recomendations, although Dremmel , Fuller seems to be what we have here.

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I've been through lots of rotary tools, Dremmels etc. and genuinely, found this that I bought in a hurry to get me out of a hole one day (think it may have been from Argos) to be far and above the best. I've been using it virtually daily for the last five years and it's perfect. The remote extension is bliss.


I use many genuine Dremmel tool bits though.

If you want the best though, if you're going to be doing professional level porting etc.


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Quite a few years ago I saved up & bought a flex type dremel machine, it was expensive around £200 at the time

I only used it a few times & it burnt out & the motor was replaced under warranty but they did not replace the plastic body which with the heat from the motor burning out had distorted meaning the new motor was catching while it was running. I rang dremel & requested it to be returned for a correct repair & was flatly refused but they would sell me the parts to replace the body if I was not happy!

I did buy & replace the plastic body but now i hardly use it as I have very little faith in it or dremel as from my experience it is expensive (cheap) rubbish, so I will not be buying anything dremel again.

I have put up a link to the the current model similar to mine


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I bought a green one from Maplins, think its cheap and I'll replace it when it wears out. Its fair to say I don't use it often but its still going strong.

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Thanks guys, I'll have a look at the machine mart one otherwise I'll plump for the Fuller. It's only $95 (about 40 quid). Definately put me off spending double on Dremmel.

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Don't get the yellow one from halfrauds thats about £20, mine lasted all of about an hours use (no not continuously).

Couldn't find the fecking receipt either, grumble grumble...

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what are you polishing? are you sure a dremmel is the tool for the job, woudl you be better off with a cheapo angle grinder or something?

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Dremels seem to be more of a light duty tool. They are miles better than the Dremels made 20+ years ago. When we were 16 we'd all be "porting" our bikes on the weekends at a mates. I remember stripping down 4 or 5 Dremels to get one working one was always part of the process. It was always the speed control that would die. I think we figured out doing the work in 5 min sessions rather in one big go kept them happier.

I ended up buying one of those CC Porting tools with all the nice right angle bits etc. Makes life so much easier and you can really do some good work. I only use my dremel now for odd jobs outside the workshop.

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Don't get the yellow one from halfrauds thats about £20, mine lasted all of about an hours use (no not continuously).

Couldn't find the fecking receipt either, grumble grumble...

The missus bought one of those for use at the vehicle pound investigating auto crimes - worked a treat, and I still use it all the time

Not the torquiest motor, but useful for the limited uses I have for it (mostly cleaning out caliper seal grooves)

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