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De-Rusting Fuel Tank - Best Method On A Budget ?


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i filled 2 tanks up with the cheapest white vinegar from the supermarket and it really cleaned them out. you have to leave it in for about 5 days and if the rust is severe then if you can get your hand in with a stiff brush thats good too, but the vinegar etched out all the rust from my tanks.

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White vinegar is stronger than the brown stuff, and Apple cider vinegar is even stronger (5% acid). Cheap coke will also have the same effect.. electrolysis is also good.

I did FlatTels tank and one for ZXRdave on this forum.Ask them how they are now..And yes that is hard rust in Tels tank.. he thought it was only fit for the bin.

Also remember Ying & Yang.. use baking soda when you use any acid to neutralize it. :icon_salut:





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Citric acid works well.

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yes it does, and you can keep re-using it until it turns black, anything rusty just drop it in and it comes out like new, just make sure it is thoroughly degreased first (the kit comes with an excellent degreaser) follow the instructions and you wont go wrong

(if you are close to barryj you can let him have a go on it when you are done, for his gpz tank)

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I've done a huge thing in about june last year on using electrolysis and then a really good thing called por15, used it on the bros, whose tank was actually leaking from pin holes, and it sorted it a treat.

Edit: here it is, it was on the bros thread, read down as I go through the stages. All the pictures are fucked for some reason, but rest assured, it was shit hot.

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To remove rust get small sharp edged pebbles. Wash them thoroughly and put about a cup full in an average sized fuel tank.

Shake the tank with them in to remove the 'scale' then rinse with vinegar.

Rinse again with a neutraliser like baking soda and dry thoroughly.

Then use a tank liner kit.

The best on the market is by 'Caswell' it is a two part epoxy and used by many after Por-15 fails because of fuel contamination.

Caswell---> http://www.caswellplating.com/restoration-aids/epoxy-gas-tank-sealer.html

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When have you seen anything about por15 contaminating fuel? Kreme, yes, one or two others too, but I've never once heard about por15 contaminating.

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My two stroke wasaabi earlier today

Lush , fit some chambers ?

Ring ding !

EDIT: Re POR15 , I think they had issues when they started adding ethanol to fuel with a lot of old tank liners melting , think POR15 is ok now ?

Looking at this they do an American one for gasahol http://www.por15.com/US-STANDARD-TANK-SEALER/productinfo/TSG/

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When have you seen anything about por15 contaminating fuel? Kreme, yes, one or two others too, but I've never once heard about por15 contaminating.

Yep, i know two on the r1 forum that used por-15 unsuccessfully.

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Thanks Willbloke, it has an expansion chamber already! howls like a banshee!

and i didn't line the tank with anything , didn't need to, it looks like new and new tanks aren't lined.....

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