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Setting The Timing...xt350 Related Again


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Following on from the base gasket thread(thats all done, cheers folks), bolting it all back together, following the clymer manual it says to put the cams in, timing marks up to line up with marks on the caps, engine to be set at TDC, both of which ive done(countless times now) and got both set. Then you have to to turn it over by hand 360* counter clockwise, as I do this it all stays in line until it starts to compress(I suppose open in reality) the exhaust valves(these are first to be moved so its not like the inlets have already been done), they start to push down but as they do the camchain slips off the sprockets so obviously the timing then goes out. Done this dozens of times now, both valves seem to compress(can move one using the decompressor lever and like I said, can see they both start to move as the lobes move).

Now what I need help with is why the chain seems to slip on the sprockets, the manual says to install the tensioner once the timing is set but surely that leaves the chain loose?????????????

HELP lol

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Its only a single pot mate, turning right way, says to leave tensioner off till timing set but chain just slips off sprockets so timing drops out. Turning engine over from rotor by hand

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I know this sounds daft, but have you tried tightening the tensioner a bit? If you're turning it over by hand you're not going to get huge forces bending your valves or anything. Even if you are turning it the wrong way, the valve to piston distance is going to be the same as it would be if it was going the other way, it'd just be happening at a different time in the whole scheme of things, if you get what I mean.

Also, unless I'm very much mistaken and an XT350 is totally different to every other engine I've ever looked at, if you're looking at the right hand side of the engine, then you want to be turning it clockwise.

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See this is the weird thing that has confused me(before someone pipes up no it doesnt take much usually and this is my first rebuild), the manual says to leave the tensioner out till timing set, thus there is no pressure/tension on the chain and got me thinking this is the cause of it jumping/slipping on the cam sprockets as thats easier than compressing the vlaves.

One of the guys on advrider says he puts pressure through the tensioner tunnel (oo er missus) while doing this so gonna try that later.

lorenzo, the engine itself is a normal 4 valve thumper(as far as I know)............its the carb that a fecking weird thing as its dual/linked double carb/dumbass/twin feed to the head setup

Oh and ive been looking from the left and just turning the rotor left(as in counter clockwise). Double checked the timing mark on the rotor by putting a pen in the plug hole and watching it rise and fall and is deffo TDC in line with the mark

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When looking at the r/h side of the engine you're turning the crank clockwise?

If I was on the right side then Id say yes, been doing it from the left as thats where the rotor is so can see all the timing marks

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So you can turn the crank, you can turn the cams? Why not time them both up, then put the tensioner on?

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Just been following the manual, says to get all the marks in place and then do the rotation to make sure they all stay in time,as the cams turn, the exhaust lobes press down on the exhaust valves and then the chain slips off dropping the timing out, anyway off to freeze my ass off and try it with some tension on the chain guide.........fingers crossed(before they freeze)

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Job jobbed, guess they forgot to mention it needs some tension, guess I should of gone with common sense rather than following the manual even tho I can see it isnt working.

Cheers for your help (again) folks

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