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Just had to perform an emergency extraction of the alarm on my 749. Sunday evening and suddenly the alarm decides it's going to go off every couple of minutes, and no amount of button push was going to shut it up.

I've severed the loom about 3" from alarm unit, and then destroyed the thing in a vice. Satisfying.

Question. How much of an arse is it going to be to remove the rest of the wiring and get my bike running again?

Any advice or piss taking appreciated.



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On my triumph they have taken the forethought to simply fit an alarm which you can unplug when it goes faulty, because they all do. II know that fact doesn't help much, unless yours has a plug thing on it, in which case, unplug it and fit the blanking plug, which is about £10 from a triumph dealers and is actually just a couple of pins shorted together.

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Nigh on fucking impossible.

Your bike is, to all intent and purpose, useless and, unfortunately, now worthless.

'Cos I like you and as a favour, and I'm cutting me own throat here, I'll give you fifty quid for the lot.

I'll be down tomorrow morning.

You're a gentleman, and I accept your offer. I'll even pull my own pants down ready for your arrival.

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I bought a Datatool once. Then I spoke to some wise people and never actually fitted it. I would have sold it on Ebay, but, like Pixie Lott, Ebay didn't exist back then. Chains are much better. Unless they are Starbuck - in which case they are GENTS.

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The twice I've done it the alarms been tied into the indicator, the starter relay and the ignition, unwrapping the loom, finding the splices and despairing at the poor standard and crap solder then putting the original wires back together. The wiring diagram is your friend I think.

it's also best to burn the fuck out of the alarm after crushing it, then smash it a bit more and burn the fucker again. There's no tool like a fucking datatool (other shit unreliable alarms are available).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Found some time this morning to tackle this little problem. 40 mins with a pair of side cutters a soldering iron and some heat shrink and were sorted. Superdunc 1 Alarm 0. fuck you datatool.

This goood because now I wont have to push my bike around Cartagena in 3 weeks time.

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Best feeling ever! Also bask in the glory of never having to use service mode, never have to fuck about at petrol stations and it wont run your battery down!

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