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Nbr Nissan Navara Slow To Turn Over


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Well, I thought that with the wealth of knowledge on here it would be as good a place as any to ask...

I have an '03 Navara with 102k on the clock, over the last few days it has been increasingly slow to turn over when starting, to the point where it turns over as if the battery is flat for a few second then builds to its usual speed and fires.

I have checked the voltage and got 12.8v at rest and 14.7v on idle. It had a new starter motor around a year ago, they symptoms when it was going were different (wouldn't always spin up first turn of the key, clicking from the solenoid)

Any ideas anyone?

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is the battery toast? you need to load test it or whatever? maybe try using some jump leads and if it turns over quicker its the battery?

ps, i dunno anything about electrickery, its black magic i tells ya

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Maybe the battery hasn't enough kick...What AH does it have?That looks like a large car,and maybe install a 100AH battery there...Or take it to a garage...

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Yup, I'd be tempted to get the battery checked first, just to make sure that it's still got the ooomph* to turn things over.

It doesn't sound like a plugs, leads, etc sort of thing...

If WD40 doesn't fix it, try a hammer? :eusa_think::beerchug: (apologies , my first coffee of the day just kicked right in!)

*This is a technical term.

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Stoopid question, but are you in the AA/RAC? Perhaps through your bank? 'Coz we've got all the stuff to diagnose this kind of thing.

Battery voltage doesn't tell you much unfortunately, what you need is to measure the current. But, assuming you have a normal multimeter you can do a few checks.

Firstly, get a friend to jump start you. Did it start? If yes then you probably just need a new battery.

If not then do these checks.

From what you said already it sounds like your alternator is working ok.

Next, put one probe on the negative battery terminal and one on the engine block. Crank it over- if your engine earth is good, this shouldn't read over 0.5v

If you can get to the starter put one probe onto the live terminal and the other to the positive battery terminal. Crank it over- again, it shouldn't be over half a volt. This is volt drop testing the connections under load.

If your starter motor lead and earth lead tests were both ok and it still turns over slowly with a good jump start from your mates car then you are looking at a worn starter motor or (not unknown on navaras) a partially seized engine.

I hope for your sake it started with a jump and all you need is a battery!

Good luck,


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So far I have changed the battery to a higher spec one with more CCA, it has improved slightly but still not right. It's booked in with my mechanic for Tuesday so ill try to check the earth voltage before then (I can't really get to the starter for the terminals). On a side note, halfords are shite. The battery they had listed for the Nav was wrong, the terminals were reversed from what they should have been and there was no way the positive lead would have reached with the battery turned 180*. The "correct" battery was more expensive at £104, and the gobshite behind the counter had the temerity to ask me, with my oily hands and carrying the already removed battery, if I wanted them to fit it.

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Starter I reckon!! I had a similar kind of problem with my TDM Yes I know it's a bit smaller but that was sluggish and I checked every thing apart the fact that I could do the + terminal on the starter up about 1 and 1/2 turns and every ting was fine!

Edit to add also could be worn bushes in starter!

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Oil is thicker in colder weather so makes the engine harder to turn over..Try dipping the clutch while starting as well.. (might help a bit) Also batteries tend not to function so well in colder weather,, you could uprate your battery with a better CCA (cold cranking Amp) battery.. Of try warming the battery and see if this helps.. other than that as Jolly says it might be worn brushes on your stater.

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The new battery has a higher CCA than the old one, and as I said the starter is only a year or so old so hopefully not too worn. I'm thinking along the lines of loose connections/poor earth but as it needs a service anyway I will have it looked at by Brian the tamed mechanic (everyone needs a Brian, Clive, terry or dave). Oddly I doubt it's related to the temperature as it does seem slower to start after its warmed up. It runs perfectly when it's going so I really have no idea

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Turned out to be the starter. Got it to the garage today, went to start it to show Brian how it turned over and nothing. Just a click from the relay. 14 months that starter motor lasted. £257 later and a fully serviced navara with a new starter motor was back in my possession.

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