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Cleaning Carbs


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Hi all , if i taped up my carbs so no water could get in , could I put them in the dish washer to clean the outside of them as I don't fancy stripping them down to have them vaper blasted


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Even if water gets in, you can still pull them apart after cleaning the outside and service them, so yeah. clean 'em up.

Probably easier would be to buy a can of carb cleaner and spray them, and scrub with an old toothbrush.

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I wouldn't bother with the dish washer, you'll have to put the same effort in to get the fur off them caused by the dishwasher itself. It's good for degreasing stuff but in terms of leaving a nice finish on aluminium, I'd not bother. Carb cleaner, a cheapo toothbrush, a chopped down paintbrush and 45 minutes of effort, they'll come up a treat. You're still going to have to get them apart to do anything on the inside too, so it's not like you're saving yourself any great effort in the long run, if any.

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Use a small paint brush (not plastic brissle) and petrol - it will get the muck off and it's cheaper than carb cleaner.

Then once they're cleaned inside put them on the engine, shove some rag into the intakes and used vinyl gloves one the outside secure them with the metal clips. Now you can use engine degreasant and a hose

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