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Laser Xtreme Gp - Baffle Removal


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Just bought a CB1000R which came with a Laser Xtreme GP exhaust, was wondering if any of you guys had any experience with removing the baffles from it - there's 3 allen bolts on each can which I've removed but when I pull on the baffle with pliers it slides a few mm then doesn't go any further, almost as if it's too wide to pass through. Any help would be appreciated!

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Is it the twin exit little maggot style jobby?


Have you tried doing it when the exhaust is hot? We had a GSXR at work one fitted and it was a bastige to get out. Had to get the exhaust mega hot before it would budge after the screws were out. Mind your fingers!

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That's the exact one mate. When I remove the allen bolts does the little "sleeve" on the end of the can come off which allows the baffle to come out or should the baffle come straight out without removing anything else?

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Well, had to drop the bike down to the dealer's yesterday to get a new battery fitted as the other one was on it's last legs, while they were doing that I asked them if they could remove the baffles for me, and all I can say is....

....Holy s***! What a beautiful noise the Laser GP's make! I will admit it is very loud but not so much that I could grow tired of, lovely rasp that sounds great when blipping the throttle when downshifting.

Unfortunately as I left the bike with them as they worked on it I'm still not completely sure just exactly how they were removed, but it probably involved a hammer and some swearing

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