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Problem With Nc30 Gearshift - Advice Required


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Hi Guys,

Had a few problems with the NC of late, basically it goes like this:

The left side footrest hanger was manky and rotting so while i got money together to fix it i've had to ride the bike back and too to work. For the last ten days when i knock it down a gear the lever isn't coming back to position, so if i'm in say fourth and want to come down to first at a junction, i have to knock it down, use my toe to lift the lever back into position and then knock it down to the next gear.

Things came to a head last wednesday when on the ride home the footrest snapped off altogether as the aluminium hanger had rotted through completely. A worrying one-footed ride home later and a call round some spares places saw me rock up on saturday morning to bung the new hanger on. By sunday morning, with the assistance of my big bruv, the footrest was back in place. However we had to adjust the gear selector rod down to its shortest run(it was wound fully out at both ends before, now wound fully in at one end because the other end has seized completely in place) and we still ended up having to drill a new guide hole for the connecting bolt (where the gear lever attaches to the gear linkage). A test ride yesterday showed the repair had worked and the gear shift was now working.

However, this morning's ride to work threw up a new problem. After about fifteen minutes of riding, the problem with downchanges resurfaced, with the added complication that it now does it on upshifts too. So if i go up into third, then want fourth, the lever jams in the uppermost portion of it's arc and has to be toed gently down before i can shift up.

it's a really odd problem which i'm hoping someone has encountered, and more importantly solved. It's not jumping out of gears or being particularly difficult in other regards. The engine is actually really sweet sounding but the issue with the gears is maddening!

Can anyone cast some light on what ails my machine? and hopefully offer a reasonably priced solution as i'm on the bones of me arse moneywise at the moment.

Thankyou for your time :)

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I've had a similar problem - but only after fitting a set of rearsets in place of the standard footpegs.

It turned out the gear selector lever was rubbing on the sprocket cover, menaing the lever wouldn't return once a gear was selected.

The only sdivce i can offer is to just double check that it's not the lever physically catching on something that's causing the issue. Other than that, i haven't a clue i'm afraid.

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I'd go for something just interfering too..

Your punch marks line up on the gearchange shaft? if you take the rod out the gearbox end and manually manipulate it - is it smooth?

Other than that it might be the detent spring - which is not too much of a ballache to fettle

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Cheers guys, i've been considering the detent spring meself, seems like the likely culprit. There's no obvious signs of it catching anywhere but i'll go over it again before i head home tonight, then see where i'm at after another ride.

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I blew my race bike engine up at Cadwell due to a sticky, flexy rearset not allowing the gears to engage properly. 3rd to 2nd instead of 4th..

What rearsets you got? Are they good ones and not some of them Diamond/Yoshirmura copy made of cheese types?

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Actually i've gone from rearsets back to oem honda hanger, the previous hanger was of the cheese you describe, hence it dropping into the slipstream as I exited a roundabout! T'other side will get similar treatment asap but for now i just want to get this bugger sorted out. I've checked alignment and there's no interference from anything visible, My current thoughts are either the detent as you suggest, or else it may be the connecting rod is non-standard and therefore not lining up correctly.

Looks like a weekend of headscratching and multiple trips to breakers may lie ahead :)

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spent some time over the weekend fiddling about with it and things now seem to be all hunky dory. many thanks for your help :)

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