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Bike Trailer....anyone Made One?


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Hey boys got my trackbike prepped but need to be able to get it to Philip Island. I'm looking into making myself a single bike trailer.

I've been looking around for a small trailer to mod but have'nt found anything suitable for the job. As I drive a Mazda 3 the trailer needs to be light as it's max towing capcity is 900kg.

My question is,have any of you lot made yourself a trailer?

Not to sure on a few things,as far as axle placement and draw bar length.

Could anybody point me in the right direction, ie: website or forum link

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Me and my dad have built a few,all we did was put the bike on a paddock stand and lay out the backbone both sides of the bike tyres,then put the axle in line with the middle of the bike,so its evenly balanced,you can buy suspension units from caravan shops so you dont have to fanny around with them... If you`re handy with a mig welder you could build one in a weekend....

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i could have helper untill you said light, mine is an old caravan base with the floor ripped off then two lengths of arco welded on which the bikes sit in very nicely.

pulls well but very heavy

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