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Changes To Rake And Trail, How Will It Affect The Ride?


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Hi Guys,

I have changed the front end on my FZR400 3TJ hybrid and in the process the rake and trail have changed.

Standard - Rake = 24 degrees Trail = 92mm

Modified - Rake = 23.2 degrees Trail = 87mm

Question is, how much will this affect the ride?

I never did get to ride the bike with standard forks, so don't have anything to compare it to, she rides fine on the road and I#'ve not yet been on track.

Will this change be too extreme?


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This is all completely ballpark but steepening the rake and reducing the trail would result in faster turning but also be more prone to instability or the odd tankslapper.

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yep. a bit more instabily will be the result.

you'll have to ride it to see how the front feels under brakes entering a turn and on exit under power.

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yep. a bit more instabily will be the result.

you'll have to ride it to see how the front feels under brakes entering a turn and on exit under power.

I'd say that getting on the gas and hitting a small bump would be a better test of instability, that's what's always provoked slappers on my bike, rather than just on the power alone.

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Yep, that too. but in all honesty there are a multitude of other factors that play into the equation.

E.g: suspension sag, rebound,compression,preload,sag.

tyre pressures,condition, type etc.

chassis design etc.

road conditions etc.

rider style etc.

The only way to know anything is to go ride the bike. assess. make changes.ride the bike. assess. repeat till the bike does what YOU the individual wants/likes.

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Thanks Guys.

I only really ride on the road and then not that hard; never had a tankslapper, only a headshake from an RGV on dunlops!

Good to know that she will not turn into an unrideable monster when someone else gets on...


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You have to consider the rear as well, if you lower the rear ride height you'll change the rake and trail. Likewise if you drop the froks through the yokes you'll sharpen it.... it could be you'll only get the full effect if your suspension is completely set up atm you mght have "adjusted" it away.

Still you'll probably get to find out Friday week :)

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