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Coolant Flush?


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I will be doing a bit of a service on the 748, need to replace the clutch so while I'm at it may as well do a few other jobs, one of them being changing the coolant, now would you recoment a coolant flush product, bearing in mind the bikes only done 13000miles, and if so what would you recommend, also would you then use a coolant conditioner? The bikes pretty much used everyday for work and hooning but I don't track it, i'd just cry if I threw it down a track.

Thank you please

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If it still looks like coolant when it comes out (not brown water) I'd just replace it.

I use Silkolene pro cool.

Distilled water if you're mixing it.

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If it still looks like coolant when it comes out (not brown water) I'd just replace it.

I use Silkolene pro cool.

Distilled water if you're mixing it.

this. NOT tap water, no matter how tempting.

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Tap water contains minerals that will build up and could block your system,over time this will lead to overheating problems once built up.And it is also corrosive to the engine over (A long) time..

Distilled water/Soft water is best used as it is kinder to the engine long term.No risk of build up of mineral as there is none.

(Just incase you were wondering)

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