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Best Lightweight Battery Options


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Another recommendation for the MOTY Design battery here - brilliant piece of equipment, so light, tiny and packs a big punch. I've had it on a shelf for the past 9 months whilst th bike has been not been moved, I popped it on last weekend and it fired up as if it were brand new.

Granted I'm only running the bikes basic electronics so I can't vouch for how it would perform on a road bike, but I can't see it being worse really

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry to top old thread but just been pottering in garage after recent delivery :)

Lead battery died at cadwell, had to nip into louth at dinnertime and paid £60 for new one

So I bought a MOTY battery last year , just got round to fitting it and it wont start my RSV. To be fair it recommends a bigger one but a) it has 240CCA which is more than the battery it replaces and b ) its a track bike so all it does is start it and run ecu, so thought it would do it. Paid £105 delivered. Fires up dash and fuel pump then just clicks :(

Couldnt go back to old technology so ordered 2x6.6v packs for radio controled planes. £40 delivered. (also bought a lifepo charger for £21 at same time, just in case)

Linked them in series and BOOM , the rattly bag of shit fires up.

I'm a nerd so weighed them :




Size comparison :


Went for 2x6.6 as if one goes faulty its half the price to replace and the ampage is greater unless i spent a lot more. Time will tell whether I should have bought a proper one anyway :)

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Sorry to bring this back up but I've just bought the Moty 8 cel for me r1 but I think I need an 8 cell lipo charger but all the common ones on eBay are 6 cell chargers and the one on moty website is a 6 cell charger too, any suggestions? Help!

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That's what's on the moty website, I just can't see how a 6 cell charger can charge an 8 cell battery to its optimum charge? Then again why would they sell the imax b6 on their site if it didnt do the job? Hmmm surely it will only balance charge 6 cells and leave 2 drained?

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Pass - But my battery is a ballistic battery, and its the recommended charger from them (albeit they rebadge it and flog it for $30 more)...

I tend to skip the balance charge option and go for straight charge anyway. It recognises the 8 cells though...

Search youtube for ballistic battery charger and watch their own video.

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Like timbo says, the imax will work fine. Unlike timbo, all I do is balance charge , just takes a lot longer.

And from what I can gather, 2s is 6.6v , 3s is 9.9v , 4s is 13.2 and 6s is 19.8. Not sure what the 1p/2p thing is, singles or pairs maybe?

So you need a charger that charges 4s2p batterys, as they are wired in pairs inside. You should have a little connector sticking out (5 wires i think for 4pairs and a common)

I bought this one, seems fine and cheaper than ebay. You have to change options before you charge to make sure you have LiFE batterys selected.


If you select uk warehouse, then go to charger, then wait on page for long enough it automatically offers you a discount :)

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That's what's on the moty website, I just can't see how a 6 cell charger can charge an 8 cell battery to its optimum charge? Then again why would they sell the imax b6 on their site if it didnt do the job? Hmmm surely it will only balance charge 6 cells and leave 2 drained?

Your 8 cell battery has 2 parallel strings of 4 cells each, hence you charge it as a 4 cell battery, hence a 6 cell charger is sufficient. All motorcycle battery are 4 cells in series batteries and are charged as such no matter how many cells are in parallel.

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ahh this helps alot! serious headake for me all these numbers. its good news though as the sisters husband has one for his rc car that he runs lipos in parallel and has one of those chargers. ill just nab his and forget to give it back. thanks for your help guys

next jobs doin the valve clearances. joy!

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Just to confirm I need a 4 cell battery like this one, and that'll give about 13 volts?


It says in the listing its 14.8v is that correct? Am I looking at the wrong type?

It's only to start a low compression 125 so that should have enough kick shouldn't it. If it does work its the best £14 i'll have spent on the bike!

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Just to confirm I need a 4 cell battery like this one, and that'll give about 13 volts?


It says in the listing its 14.8v is that correct? Am I looking at the wrong type?

It's only to start a low compression 125 so that should have enough kick shouldn't it. If it does work its the best £14 i'll have spent on the bike!

That's the wrong type. You can't use LiPo batteries on a bike as the voltage is too high. Fully charged, LiPo's have 4.2 volts per cell making is 16.8 V. You need LiFePo4 batteries, such as this one: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__14070__ZIPPY_Flightmax_4200mAh_4S1P_30C_LiFePo4_Pack.html

LiFePo4 batteries are also far less likely to set your bike on fire.

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