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Relocating Oil Cooler- Super Blackbird


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Can anyone suggest somewhere I could get a pair of shortened oil cooler hoses made up to relocate the cooler on a super Balckbird? Making a streetfighter and one of the last big jobs is to shorten the hoses down and refit the cooler in front of or below the rad. Current hoses are massively too long as it sits in the nose of a standard faired bike.

No way that I can see of using originals other than cutting them and shortening the long metal tubes that run from bottom of engine to above rad and rejoining but guessing the pressure they run at would mean leaks if i do this.

Any idea gratefully recieved, I am loath to ask at the local main dealer as I guarantee they will either tell me it doesnt exist without looking or claim it costs £lots to get it made to order.

Surely there must be somewhere that can just knock up a shorter hose with the correct connection on the ends, or is it possible to cut down and rejoin the originals?

Located in west norfolk if that helps.

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The problem is that the hoses themselves come with the most horrid connectors ever, which are only ever used by honda. Pirtek did some for me, using the original ends, just lopped off the ends and swaged some hose on in the middle.

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