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Cams...and Fetting Them Smother....

speedy sie

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have a zx7r cam,... but want to know is it safe to pop in the old lathe and clean the cast makes of and clean the sides of the lobes???

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cams,not crank...just to help them throw oil better and clean the cast crappy surface of them as in polish then up ,have one kit cam and one very nice billet cam that would polish up with easy..

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Don't see any reason why you shouldn't do it.

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Would have

...just to help them throw oil better and clean the cast crappy surface of them as in polish then up ,

They won't, smoother you make it the more the oil will "slip" off not get thrown as much as off a rougher surface.

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the idea was to lighten the cams a bit,and remove all chance of brakage like polished rods and then pinned,but the cam will be criohardened afer the work done to it,the other cam is to this spec so carnt be that bad an idea??

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i cant see the point to be honest. the weight you save wont be much, plus its such a small dia shaft it wont make a difference in terms of gyro and acceleration,

strength....when was the last time your heard of a cam shaft snapping.....

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oh...the tricks that went in to the old 750's are lost to most people today... lightened cams was a must back in the day,and im putting as much detail in to the engine that was in them back in the 90's..and just wanted to know if it was safe to day...

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