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Overheated/seized 96 Fireblade - Help


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Was out on the blade on sat when the bottom hose blew off the water pump and it started losing power before I noticed, pulled the clutch in and it died, to cut a long story short I've taken the head off it to check the damage and its not majorly obvious. When turning the engine over it feels tight when the 2 center pistons, 2 and 3, are on the upward stroke but the rest of the stroke doesn't feel bad. Having never come across this before I'm looking for pointers as to what direction to take. It's a 96 918 rr-t model. Can I hone the cylinders and just put a set of rings in?? Or am I aswell scrapping the engine and sourcing another one?? There's no major scoring like I'd expected to see and the valves look ok. Is it possible the water pump or something else in the engine is causing the resistance as I haven't checked anything else yet.

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let me have a stab at it lol..

So the hose blew off whilst riding (is the water pump ok still?) and the engine got hot and died.

Sounds to me like 2&3 bores are your problem as you say.

But in all honesty you would need to measure bore diameters,check for scoring,check end caps etc etc. basically you need to find out "What" is causing it to go stiff.

IMO it sounds like the head has warped the bores and probably shagged the rings.But thats a pure guess on what you have said.

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I was thinking along the same lines so I'm gonna start looking for another engine, assuming the bores are out of round, a rebore and new pistons will be more than a New engine. Cheers.

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