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Aerox 100 Fuel Problem


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HELP. Im having major problems with my 04 aerox 100. It starts first time with the clutch, then once its warmed up, it ticks over a treat. But as soon as I open the throttle, it dies. I can only get it to work if the choke is full on, or the small air screw is fully in, but this then has the tick over reving at over 3000rpm.

Ive cleaned the fuel filter in the tank, all pipe are clean, the vacum pipes working. Ive taken the carb apart and all inlets, jets and holes are clean. The float chamber is filling up right and all the float is good. its had new spark plug, air filter. It just seem strange that when the choke is on, it works, but as soon as the choke is off, it will die on the throttle. Does this mean that there is too much air going in, even though the air screw at the side of the carb is fully in. Ive even tried changing the main needle position. Its standard setting is 3/5. Ive had it set at all the other positions and it makes no difference.

Its got to be an air problem but i dont know what else to do. The only thing ive learnt is that i can strip and put back the fairing in under 2 minutes!!

Any help will be greatfully received.

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Battery weak.

As soon as you open the throttle you put more load on the battery.Not enough spark generated and the bike dies.

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Its as if the engine is being starved of fuel or air

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Would that be the bit that connects the carb to the engine??? Before it gets to the reed valve? and yes, ive checked the reed valves and there spot on

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Sorry didnt know it was a new battery.

Well thats ruled out..The carb inlet rubber attaches the carb the the engine.. if this is split it will give you the same symptoms.

A blocked pilot jet will do it.

Blocked fuel filter in the tank will do this

Blocked IN line fuel filter will do this

Then move onto..

Weak Coil

Weak/faulty stator/generator.

Take the plug out and rest it "connected" on the head. then see if you get a nice BLUE spark when you try and start it. If its orange then thats a weak spark and you need to trace what is causing it.

If you have a multimeter you can test these:-

Coil primary resistance is 0.32-0.48 Ohms

Coil secondary resistance is 5680-8520 ohms

Pick up coil resistance is 400-600 ohms

Idle speed should be 2000rpm +/- 200

Pilot srew sould be 1.75 turns out

Alternator output should be 8/2000 Amps/RPM

Regulated voltage should be 13-14/2000rpm

Battery should be YTL-BS 12volts 3 amps per hour

Plug should be NGK BR8HS 0.5-0.7mm gap

Hope that helps

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The spark plug is new and i check it and yes, it has a nice blue spark. All jets are clean and free of crap. The carb inlet rubber will be my next stop, but as I have been working around this area, ive not noticed and holes or splits. I guess the smallest of holes would cause this problem??

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silly question but can the reed valves be fitted 'the other way round' cos if they were backwards it would also do what your explaining.........

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no.i dont think they can. the only go in one way

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On your carb you should have a fuel pipe and also a vacuum pipe,these will look very similar.Make sure this (vac) is connected and free from splits or cracks.

In your carb you have 3 jets you need to clean. Main jet,Pilot jet & Emulsion tubes.These have tiny holes in.Are these all clean???

Is there water in the fuel? Empty the float bowl contents into a clear glass or jar.The water will sit below the fuel.If it is in the float bowl it will be in your tank.Empty and refill tank if this is the case.

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jets taken out and clean, fuel free from water, tank clean and free of dirt, vac pipe all good and working. im baffled

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So am i mate,

I have given you everything i can think of..

My advice would be to go through everything again but take your time..IMO id say it has to be one of the things mentioned so far.

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Cheers for all your help guys. ill be spending the day on it today so ill let you know how i got on

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Have you tried spraying around the carb/inlet rubber with easy start while it's running?

Try it. If the revs rise then there's a split or hole somewhere and it's drawing the easy start (and air) in.

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UPDATE.... Still not much joy. Ive got it working to the point that it doesnt die when i turn the throttle but its still got a tick over of 3000rpm, and thats with the air screw all the way in. The only way of dropping the revs is by putting the choke on slightly.

Ive tried spraying WD40 around carb/inlet and had no joy?

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High revs at tickover often means mega lean mixture. Running better with the choke means mega lean mixture. From this I deduce your mixture is mega lean.

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High revs at tickover often means mega lean mixture. Running better with the choke means mega lean mixture. From this I deduce your mixture is mega lean.

meaning too much fuel or air?????

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which could mean that the jets might have been changed and are too small? cause when i inspected the carb, the cur clip on the main needle had been changed from 3/5 to 4/5. Ive stripped,cleaned and checked the carb. the float bowl is working good, with enough fuel in the bowl and a fast flow of fuel from the tank to the carb, vac pipe works as it should.

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If your float bowl is full you know that your fuel system is at least working up until it hits the carb. From here on there is only a finite number of things to check; you could have a blocked jet, or it could be that you have an inlet problem between the carb and the engine itself, causing not enough air to pass over the carb and draw fuel out, such a leaky inlet or a problem with your reeds.

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UPDATE 2.....I had checked the area around the carb by spraying wd40 to see if the revs changed and got nothing. Ive since tried it today but with a different spray, and it kept increasing the revs. This i have narrowed down to the head gasket. Could this be the cause??? Ive taken the head off, and inspected the gasket. Its a copper type gasket, which seemed ok,but it has defenitly been drawing in air from that area.So as it stands now, the tick over is spot on, but as soon as i touch the throttle, it dies.My only guess is the head gasket is drawing air in. Please can you give me some positive advice that this could be the problem!! its the only thing left!!

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If a new head gasket is cheap enough then try it, at least it's another thing eliminated, and you'll have a new head gasket.

What colour is the plug electrode?

Will it actually run enough to do a plug chop?

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colour of plug is nice and blue. Put net head gasket on and a new reed valve gasket on,and guess what, not much differance. I giving up.

So this is the list of things i have done. Fuel tank clean,filter clean,fuel filling bowl,vac pipe working, carb compleatly clean, correct jets and needle,new main needle,no cracks in air filter conection,no cracks in carb to reed valve connection,reed valve good, piston good,barrel good,new head gasket,oil tank clean,pipes clean,oil mixer valve working. It runs fine on tick over, but as soon as i turn the throttle, it struggles and dies.

The last thing to do is to take it to a garage. I carnt cope!! Ive had everything from a honda 50 to a SP1, and this is the hardest thing i have worked on....

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I took my aerox to the garage today cause ive spent far too much time stairing at it. The guy seems to think what it could be, something about the crank and air getting in. So buy mid week ill know if its fixable,expensive and if its worth it

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