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I'll Name That Srad In . . . . . (Help Please)


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I have picked up this panel for cheap off ebay as it will make a fine replacement for the roughest panel on mine :


Now I need to order a replacement sticker so I can get the damaged one changed, but my question is . . .

What year of SRAD is this from, 1996 or 1997 ?



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Cheers Sie,

I had been looking at the middle and top stickers so intently I had missed the break in the bottom one !

Its obvious when you know its there :


Cheers, I shall get it ordered.


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Sie wins... :bow:

I suspected he might when I posted it !

Bit of tippex, they're both the same...

True, I doubt very much anyone would notice if I didn't bother with it though.

Now, would anyone care to hazard a guess at how much Robinsons Foundry want for that one sticker ?

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£78.95 + VAT. 15 gallons of 4*. Your first born and a testicle. 1 case of Heinz spicy tomato soup, half a packet of chocolate hobnobs, and an anteater.

OK I give up, how much?

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Close, but the correct answer is . . . .

That single coloured lump of about eight by eighteen inches of stickyness wil cost £80.55 + VAT + Post.


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