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Synthetic Car Oil


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I once ran a ZZR for 30,000 miles on car oil and didnt experience clutch slip, maybe I was lucky or maybe it is down to which additives the car oil has or doesn't have.

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I ran a CX500 on Castrol GTX for a few years, but I was skint and it was a CX which would probably run ok on crude.

As has already been said, motorcycle engines thrash the shit out of oil and specific motorcycle oil is designed to cope, plus I'd only use fully synthetic if I was racing or trackdaying.

Why use car oil when you could use this: http://www.opieoils....orbike-oil.aspx

£25 is cheap enough IMO, for 4 litres of semi synth bike specific oil.

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I just got 4 litres of semisynth motul and a filter off busters VIA eBay, £27. When you consider that most bikes will give you some spare out of 3 litres, so for every 2 or 3 changes you get one free, it's not bad value really.

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All sensible answers thanks guys. Shame really 17:99 is bastard cheap

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