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Changing Brake Fluid


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I`ve heard/read that using a syringe is good for bleeding brakes


Some are saying use it to suck the fluid through some say fill the system from the bleed nipple up the way

Anyway i`m gonna completely change the fluid in the ZX6R (97 F3 model)

Whats the best way to go about it,from emptying to filling and bleeding

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Back flush is what its called,

soak up the fluid thats in the M/C with rags or paper towels, attach your hose and syringe( empty) to the bleed nipple, fill syringe and tube with fluid, ( make sure all the air is out the tube before you put the plunger on)

Put plunger into syringe and then apply gentle pressure, NOW open the bleed nipple! constant gentle pressure on the plunger is the key..

Fluid in the M/C will need soaked out about 2 or 3 times untill clear fluid shows in the M/C(mind shut the bleed nipple off when soaking out the M/C).

Thats one side done. same process on the other if its the front you are doing.

Do Not Over fill the M/C!

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Lots of way tbh.

All i would do is clear hose on the bleed nipple, a jar with used brake fluid in it (use the old stuff out of the master cylinder)

Keep the hose BELOW the fluid.Open the bleed nipple.

Fill MC with fresh fluid and squeeze lever slowly in and out.

Repeat this for about 2 MC refils then close off nipple and move to the other side and repeat.

Job done

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Yeah, but you'll need 2 syringes, using 1 will just contaminate the new fluid..mind not splash it on your paint work cos that shit burns like fuck..

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Get an old towel and get it so its damp. Place this over your bike around the MC to catch any spills. :icon_salut: If you get it on your calipers or other paint work wash it off with soapy water.

But as VW says don't use the same syringe to empty MC.

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Pushing it up from the nipple is a good way to fill empty/new lines as it pushes the air out of the top easier as it rises naturally but if you're just changing the fluid then it's better to suck from the nipple as normal like BB said, you'll see the fresh fluid coming though and haven't got the hassle of overflow at the m/c

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If you're just changing the fluid I'd leave the syringe to the smackheads and just open the nipple on one calipers, the one nearest the master cylinder, and pump the old stuff out into a jar, via a hose, making sure the reservoir is constantly topped up with fresh stuff. Once the fluid starts coming out clear, shut the nipple and do the same on the second caliper. Flushing an already filled system is shitloads easier than starting from dry and much less hassle than bothering with syringes.

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I've never really understood the benefit of extra hassle involved in back flushing/syringes tbh. The job is inherently a faff ayway so just get slick at doing it the normal way. As Lorenzo says, just be systematic, start with the closest caliper and watch for the fresh fluid coming trhough.

I once tried attaching a gert length of clear hose to the nipple at one end and to the carb vacuum port on the other with a reservoir of old fluid in the middle. I smugly fired her up and marvelled as a shagged out FZR600 drank half a litre of brake fluid from the reservoir and shat it out the link pipe in a billious blue fog! Good times.

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I've always done it the old fashioned way bleed from the bleed nipple and top up from the MC. I have even set up on the bench bleed through with the calipers and MC on a jig on the bench works but you need to be a contortionist to fit without getting air into the master! This was in the nineties on a Z550 (810 big bore) 4 with VFR master and CBR 6 calipers, I was running COMP S front with COMP K rear and to harder a pull on the front brakes would put you over the bars! The best fun I had on two wheels for the whole decade.

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Length of hose on the Nipple, give the MC a few pump's and then hold it in, Whilst held in suck on the tube and open the nipple, Give it a few ample pumps with the nipple open and then hold the lever on again, then close the nipple, then give it a few pumps to build pressure, repeat untill you've pulled all the bubbles humanly possible out of the system and the fluid is flowing clear, you should start to feel pressure at the lever after a few times.

Do this with the cap off the reservoir and top up as neccesary, ensure that the reservoir level never drops low enough to allow the MC to pull in air.

Oh and ensure that once you've closed the nipple, you pull the hose off the nipple and blow it into your waste container, cause the stuff fucking tastes horrible if you fill the hose too much....


Don't use your brakes

HTH :)

*(Edited for spastic spelling..)

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