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999 Ducati Wheel Dimensions


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Hi fellas and ladies,

anyone out there got a ducati 999/749 ?

I am looking at installing the 5.5 marchesini rim into my supermono project and just need a couple measurements.

1. distance from center of wheel to left edge of hub where the cush drive bolts up

2. distance from center of wheel to sprocket (center of sprocket or edge of sprocket, which ever is easier)

3. total width of wheel hub including cush drive and disc

(center line of wheel can normally be indentified by a small 'joiner line' down the middle of the hub)

If somebody could point me in the right direction that would be great as I need to find out soon whether it will fit in my mito swing arm.

A 160 slick in the 5.5 rim would work a treat as this is exactly what the TZ250's used, and will provide a better selection of slicks as there isnt much available in small sizes anymore.



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I will measure up the wheel I have tonight. I have what appears to be a brand new 5.5" 749 wheel for sale at the momment as it happens.

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To answer you questions

1. 90mm

2. 120mm to centre of sprocket

3. 200mm

All +/- 3mm, it was getting dark!

Wheel here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290664302044?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

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dang, the mito swing arm is 195... sooooo close

would be able to get it to fit with some mods but it would be very hard to get the wheel centered etc

anyone know of some 5 inch rims that look similar?

Pegaso Factory, perfect but hard to find...

anything else???

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