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Are These Cam Followers Too Worn Out?


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I was wondering if someone that knew what they were doing could give me an idea if my cam followers may be too worn and should be replaced while I have the engine apart. They look a bit worn but there's no pitting or anything. It's the top end of a 1987 Honda XR600R (RVFC). Is there a way of checking if they're in spec? :eusa_think:



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You can probably get them hard chromed but it might be more than a set of new ones (It's a single isn't it ???)

Might be time to have a look for a replacement cam too, in which case a reground or performance cam could be the way to go.

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Yeah money is a problem, otherwise I'd have had the cam re-profiled while it was all apart.. If these are going to last the next few races I'd like to keep them if I can. Do you think they're knackered?

Was hoping there'd be a way to check them with calipers or something.. :eusa_think:

There's no dishing or anything on the followers, just look like they've lost a bit of the surface.

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Hard to tell, since the light is playing up a bit (or my pc is small and have bad resolution), but I don't think the wear is through the chrome, so they should be good to use. But give your oil ways in head a look, since the wear could come from insufficeint lubrication, could be old crap in the oil galleys!?! A stiff thin "piano" wire can poke it out, if done carefully.

Another fairly cheap solution could be to have them dry film coated (camcoat springs to mind), that will keep the wear from developing, but I don't know if they are to worn to be considered.


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Hard to tell, since the light is playing up a bit (or my pc is small and have bad resolution), but I don't think the wear is through the chrome, so they should be good to use. But give your oil ways in head a look, since the wear could come from insufficeint lubrication, could be old crap in the oil galleys!?! A stiff thin "piano" wire can poke it out, if done carefully.

Another fairly cheap solution could be to have them dry film coated (camcoat springs to mind), that will keep the wear from developing, but I don't know if they are to worn to be considered.


It's a bad pic there's no wearing through of the chrome, just slightly darker bits if that makes sense. Thanks for the advice, I'll check the oil ways. I'd ideally like to replace them with the valve springs when I get the cams re-profiled later in the year, so just worried about if they'll last that long! Would be pretty shit for the top end to lunch itself just after spending loads of money on a new big bore kit..

Yes, they are well worn. Can you feel a dip in them when you run your finger over?

Definitely no dip at all. :eusa_think:

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I can confirm that you can't feel the marks when you run a finger over them. Also though it would be an excellent idea to check the oilways it would also be a good idea to learn how to check the oil level properly :pokeit:

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I can confirm that you can't feel the marks when you run a finger over them. Also though it would be an excellent idea to check the oilways it would also be a good idea to learn how to check the oil level properly :pokeit:

Nothing wrong with my annual oil level check.. :icon_blackeye:

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