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Help! Non Starter Szr


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Can anyone give me any pointers on my SZR's starter?

When i first viewed the bike it sparked up with no problem, it started fine when i rode it home, and again after i

had stopped for petrol.

A week or so later pressing the starter button resulted in just a click from the solenoid. Trickle charging the battery overnight made no difference.

Having owned an RSV for several years i immediately suspected the starter solenoid, but a new one didn't improve matters.

I took the starter motor off the bike and bench tested it - aha! even with no load on the motor it was reluctant to spin up....

A low mileage xt660 starter was bought from ebay but it won't turn the engine over.....? On the bench it spins up fine, but it won't turn the motor over, even after cleaning up the armature and removing the spark plug.

I thought that maybe the engine was seized, but i can turn it over with the back wheel (in sixth gear with the plug out)

i know starter clutches can slip - can they seize up too?

Any insights would be most welcome...

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Massive stab in the dark here: decompression system stuck or a hydraulic lock has caused the engine to be tough to turn over. This in turn has toasted your old starter motor and will do the same to your new one.

Take the spark plug out and go again. This time you'll have no compression to fight against, so you can at least make sure the electrics are all working ok.

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Loz, the plug is out!

Alpinestarhero ; the SZR battery has a healthy 13+ volts, but you are right, i have only ever tried to start the bike with that one.

i'll try another and report back...

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Just wondering, did you use the same battery through out your tests there? i.e. the one from the bike? Could be toast, even if its appearing to take a charge, it might not be holding any actual electrical power to crank the engine

you are my alpinestarhero :D

The battery off my RSV is only showing just over 12v but it turned the motor over no problem. I used it to bench test my other starter which jumped into the air with a sharp crack when i applied the juice - that SZR battery must be well goosed!

Thanks for the help, i was thinking of tearing into the engine next... :blush:

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