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Polished Rods....

speedy sie

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Getting them shot peened would be of more benifit, polishing by hand not worth it imho. Better quality rod bolts would be my forst priority.

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I have a box of odd kit polished rods in the garage. someone had been busy. my ZXR has polished rods. Apart from head work most of other engine work isnt worth it on its own but part of a full package it adds up. Depends on what you from the engine. If its something over 130hp then get polishing. if you're doing it for the sake of it, dont bother.

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I'm pretty sure polishing does nothing of the sort. Cold working the metal by peening will strengthen them.

Polishing reduces windage losses.

Is that wind-age (as in the blowing thing the air does, rhymes with pinned) or is it wind-age (the thing you do with a watch, or fontyyy, rhymes with mind)

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Well by making a surface more uniform you remove potential stress-risers, so you strengthen them or, my bad, correctly make the material live up to it's theoretic strength. That's the original application for polishing conrods and , back in the old times, pushrods. The windage gains is a byproduct of this application and due to modern manufacturing surfaces it's less relevant compared to the higher strength gain you get from shotpeening.


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Well by making a surface more uniform you remove potential stress-risers, so you strengthen them or, my bad, correctly make the material live up to it's theoretic strength. That's the original application for polishing conrods and , back in the old times, pushrods. The windage gains is a byproduct of this application and due to modern manufacturing surfaces it's less relevant compared to the higher strength gain you get from shotpeening.


Yes, agree with that. Ideally, you polish them first (actually mainly along the vertical front and rear edge, and over the small end where most of the stress occurs) and then shot peen the polished surfaces.

An example:


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I polished my rod last night. HTH :tacheemoticonwh7::icon_salut:

Did Speedie Sie do it for you?

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come on chaps evry man has a time in his life when the old rod is polished!!! :tacheemoticonwh7:

just thought it would relieve the cast stress...as in on the old rod.... :icon_salut:

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