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Planning My New Garage


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right not sure how big it is, if it has sparky points or lights or how i will be getting into or out of, i have assumed that it will be a standard sized one, attached to the house with a door between, so my question is this, i have the lathe, 2 pillar drills (one is going to be converted to a mill or attached to the lathe for the same purpose) mig welder and tig welder, tube bender, bike lift and frame jig, plan me a garage worthy of building top quality bikes (obviously i know i'll have to pay someone to build them to a high quality for me but one step at a time) ;)

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What you want is a tape measure, a pencil and some squared paper,

infinate combinations of arranging stuff at your finger tips.

Always done whenever moving, saves moving furniture from this side of the room to that and then back again.

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yeah thats what i was planning what i meant to say is other cant do without items, including tools, need to make my check list incase anyone needs an idea of what to buy me for christmas or my birthday.

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Size everything up and draw it out onto a diagram to scale, that how i came to the conclusion i needed 20 x 10 workshop, door location is important, as is the floor, i went for a 6" base with a membrain under it.

If you are having some heavy shit in there, i have a deeper floor, maybe 8" or more.

Or just go as big as you can afford.

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Dunno if it'll help, but wickes website has a kitchen planner software thing where you tell it the size of your room and then arrange the cupboards etc in there. All you need to do is find cupboards that are the same size as your drills etc.

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