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Re-cycling Paraffin...


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Do you, like me, use paraffin or white spirit for de-greasing greasy stuff, like chains?

Are you, like me, tighter than a duck's arris?

Then re-cycle your paraffin by filtering the chunks of shite out of it by firstly pouring it into an old plastic milk container (other containers are available) and leaving it for a few days for the shite to separate and sink to the bottom.

Use a portion of yer Missus's old tights to filter out any wayward chunks - the toe bit is better - and pour carefully into another container.

You're best off saving the gusset area and sending it to Gretch :lol:.

Then filter it again using a paper coffee filter cone to get at the smaller particles of crud, thus ending up with squeaky clean paraffin and very little wastage.

I've just filtered about 4 litres. You wouldn't know it's been used once already.

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Top tip, I'll try that myself!

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