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Electrical Problems With Trackbike

Timbo S2

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This problem has been getting worse, but yesterday forced me to stop a few session early.

I had a lack of top end, I think this is down to the electrical system on the bike. Was on an optimate all day, starts fine and when idleing displays ~13v. When waiting to go out in pitland, or reving, this drops down to 11.7v ish. Does this sound like the battery or alternator? Have a spare set of windings in the garage anyway... Don't want to buy another battery only for this to still occur. Because its a trackbike, I only really get to test this on trackdays...

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You can really easily test the charging circuit just sat in your garage. Obviously the numbers you'll have to check for your specific model of bike, but have a check of the output for your generator. Each of the 3 windings should be giving you about 50v AC (or at least they would on my bike, like I say, check your manual), sometimes only 2 of the windings are working, giving you a low output. Then have a check to see what the reg/rec's doing. Across your battery you should be seeing 12ishV DC, rising to 13 when the bike's running. Rev it up and it should rise up a little, then the level flatten off at about 14V as the revs rise. If it keeps rising then your regulator's fucked. This will have probably toasted your battery too, which is nice.

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