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Rear Wheel Bearing Woes


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I've had the sponny for nearly 5 years now and I'm on the 3rd set of rear wheel bearings, which need changing after less than 2k miles.

I have decided I'm either fitting them wrong somehow, although I don't see how coz they're pretty straight forward......probably.

I reckon either I'm not getting the wheel aligned correctly, the sleeve (through the wheel) is slightly the wrong size or has play in it, the bearing I'm fitting is wrong in some way or the dark forces of mechanical magik are at work. It is also possible I'm not torquing the axle enough, though it is fucking tight (mechanical term there for 150ftlbs roughly)

Any thoughts or suggestions greatly appreciated as always :pb2:

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Can you take it to a frame specialist and have it checked on a monoliner so you know it's all straight, basically take it back to spondon for a check up.

Could the cush drive be duff alowing the wheel a bit more movement than usual ???

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Can you take it to a frame specialist and have it checked on a monoliner so you know it's all straight, basically take it back to spondon for a check up.

Could the cush drive be duff alowing the wheel a bit more movement than usual ???

I'm going to check the alignment out first with a straight edge and a lazer. I'll check the cush drive out, although the problem does seem to be at the other side. I'll have to mic and measure the spacers and sleeves too. The guy who originally built the bike is popping round at the weekend to have a look too. It's looking like it's not a common problem so I'm now ambarking on a mechanical voyage of discovery :icon_salut:

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I'm going to check the alignment out first with a straight edge and a lazer. I'll check the cush drive out, although the problem does seem to be at the other side. I'll have to mic and measure the spacers and sleeves too. The guy who originally built the bike is popping round at the weekend to have a look too. It's looking like it's not a common problem so I'm now ambarking on a mechanical voyage of discovery :icon_salut:

Is it possible the internal spacer is slightly too short and when you torque the spindle up there's a slight side load on the bearing- enough to cause it to fail early but not enough to cause it to bind so much that you'd notice?

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Is it possible the internal spacer is slightly too short and when you torque the spindle up there's a slight side load on the bearing- enough to cause it to fail early but not enough to cause it to bind so much that you'd notice?

That's quite an interesting point Kayla I'll add it to the check list :thumbsup:

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I take it your replacing bearings, 4 & 2. What is the condition of bearing number 13(sprocket) does that get replaced? When you replace them does the wheel bearings have any slack in them or are they seated quite firmly. Does the wheel have all the seals and clips and spacers in? Are there any interesting wear marks on the wheel or swing arm, i wont ask if the chain is fooked or slack. If its not the spacers the only other thing i can think of is the axle bolt true, cant see you missing that one either. On an important note how is it failing cracked cage brunelling or total failure?

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Annaz is well known for his short fuse.

Fixed :angry::lol:

Cheers Porter Jamie that's on the list :thumbsup:

@ John bearing 4 was replaced 2 years ago and still seems fine, no 13 hasn't been replaced since I've had the bike, not sure if the cushdrive is sound tho. No slack on the caliper side bearing when it's replaced, chain ok, I normally run it on the slack side just in case. I haven't noticed any wear marks in the past but I'll know better tomorrow. As for where the failiure is I'm not sure just general slackness.

Edit; to change stuff :blush:

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Hmm a bit of a strange one hope the visual inspection helps. I can only suggest to get a BST/Dymag carbon wheel as the reduced weight will hopefully cure the problem, if it does not i will take em off your hands :)

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Nothing showing up on the inspection of the spacers and sleeves etc. I did notice that my measly torque wrench can only manage 90ftibs and 150 is needed. So I'm hoping that it's just basic incompetance :rolleyes::eusa_pray:

Borrowing some digital calipers tomoz might shed some light too

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It's all in bits now and its seems to be the needle roller bearing, on the drive side, that's the culprit. I don't know why Yamaha decided to fit a stoopid needle bearing in a rear wheel, what a wank idea!

So when I replaced said needle bearing 2 years ago I thought the bearing on the caliper side was fine but they should be all changed together otherwise one will wreck the other and that seems to be what's happened.

All the spacers measure up fine, no wear on any sleeves, swinger bearings etc are fine.

Unfortunately Yamaha don't stock these needle tosser bearings so I'll have to wait til' thurs for one :angry:

Edit to add, because of the bearing in the chainwheel it's not possible to detect the play in the needle one when the wheel is fitted.

Caliper side bearing £10

Needle bearing £51.49 Sheesh!

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I'm now looking for some Shell Retanex red bearing grease or Timken red bearing grease. Because I'm told it's the ultimate gear. There's some on the bay but it's in cartridges and I only want a small tube. Could use the Stihl stuff but that's £8 a tube!

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I have found the problem :eusa_dance: It turns out the 5mm ally washers (that fit externally of the swingarm either side) that I was using as a reference point for measuring the wheel alignment are different diameters :rolleyes: When I checked them with the vernier calipers they read a difference of over 2mm. I've now turned the larger one down so it's the same size and checked everything through with a lazer and a straight edge and it's spot on everywhere.

Hopefully that will be an end to the matter!

Thanks for your comments and support :icon_salut:

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Well after going for a 10 mile test ride to Squires (and seeing some tosser throw his CBR down the carpark into a white van parked near the entrance. Trying to show off :lol: ) I got back and the bearings were fucked already :angry: :angry:

Today the rear wheel was checked and that revealed evidence of impact damage, I reckon I can remember the pothole that caused it too, it's enough to cause the wear levels i've been experiencing. I'm going to check the front wheel tomorrow too because my warped disc/caliper chattering thing started around the same time :eusa_wall:

I checked the chain too today (you know where you grab a link on the back of the rear sprock and see if there's any give, there was plenty :facepalm:

Possible two replacement wheels and an X ring chain.....KERCHING!!!.....again :sFun_doh2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to confirm, for future reference, it was the rear wheel at fault. After fitting a different wheel and riding over 110 miles there is no play! Phew!

Moral of the story is; Pay attention and avoid nasty bumps and potholes!

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