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Bio Diesel


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having been relegated to the diesel maveric whilst i sort out the niggles in the alfa i was horrified to find out the prices for diesel (i had been paying £10 for 25l of reclaimed petrol from scrapped cars) so i decided to build a bio diesel plant, its actually really simple and there are a few websites that make it really simple, made my first batch (only 40l but its a start) from chip pan oil (mainly vegetable oil) only takes about an hour or so to make then you have to let it settle for 12 to 24 hours (i went for the 24 option) next day i have diesel that i made for about £2.36, i is one happy bloke!

thought i'd share.

the main site i used was www.journeytoforever.com

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really want to know more about this chip fat diesel, been reading all sorts about 20% oil 80% diesel but i dont grasp the actual making of it?

please please please elaborate :icon_blackeye:

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i'm running on 100% bio home made jobbie, the pump will be fine, its how you make it, basically you want to make it with a neutral ph then it wont melt any seals in the pump, also there is no smell coming from the back of the mav so i'm happy

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But is it allot of hassle to sort out and filter it all.. And then the GOV only allow you to use so much before you have to pay tax on it.

Average diesel price is about £1.38 ltr.

Average NEW Veg oil price is about £1.09 ltr

Id use Red myself. :ph34r:

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I believe its just companys the gov keeps tabs on for usage, a mate does his own & with the used oil he gets has saved himself a bloomin forture the last 3 years or so. Use red & be prepared to have ur car or van impounded & a large fine.

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I'm about to take delivery of a batch of refined veg oil, 60p a litre, and you pour it straight in no hassle. A mates been running his 09 vw on it no problem at all, in fact he say's it runs better on it.

The supplier will let me have 40ltrs a week no problem, and it all seems legit, apparently the company is buys the veg oil wholesale i.e. 1000s ltrs at a time.

I'm a little suspicious that they are actually selling red which they've taken the die out of :eusa_think:

Anyone else come across bio diesel this cheap?

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no bio diesel is refined/processed svo(straight vegetable oil) so the triglycerides are still in it, basically all the stuff you dont want, also its at a variable ph level which will undoubtedly not be neutral (or close to) which means that any rubber seals or fuel lines will be subject to having to withstand either end of the ph levels. also svo becomes gloopy in cold weather so your pump might just clog up, it'll probably be fine until you turn it off one night then suffer a frost. of course this may be the government spreading propaganda to make us buy fuels that are taxed.

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Bio diesel and SVO aren't the same thing though are they?

The stuff I'm looking at using is refined, it looks like, and smells similar to diesel.

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So can I chuck new veg oil into my diesle fiesta (2000 model) in anything up to 80/20 oil/diesel mix and it'll be OK?

Otherwise I need a biodiesel maker to convert 2nd hand oil into biodiesel?


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up to you, i cant say that the engine, fuel lines, fuel pump, ect will be ok with this because i dont know for certain, i have read that brazil sells fuel with an 80/20 mix on forecourts so they must have looked into the life of engines running on this (mustn't they?) but as was pointed out by milliemillie the more svo to diesel the more risk you run of having starting problems and issues with the fuel congealing, summer time (like the kind we used to have, not like the last couple!) you should be ok but winter like we've had recently and your farked. its going to take some effort to get half a tank of fuel with the consistency of lard out of a tank and fuel lines. but of course i could be talking(writing) crap, it has been known!

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As far as my research went, I found out if you add 2% non kerosene based white spirit to the pvo, it thinned it down enough to use and it won't clog the injection pump. Also if your fuel is dipped by VOSA then because the white spirit is non kerosene based, apparently its not technically a fuel….so no duty is required.

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A chap near me runs his tractors on home made diesel from used cooking oil. He made the kit using the info in the journeytoforever website, and cut a couple of beer kegs to make the reactor and settling tank. It works a treat, the tractors run better than on pump diesel (he says) and best of all there's no excise so that's a big finger to the gummint.

The only difficult part is sourcing the oil at a fair price, and the methanol is a bit hazardous, but hey, we aren't going to drink the stuff.

Doing the full conversion is better than just running the vehicle on a blend or straight veg oil, and once you have made the kit it isn't too much of a faff to produce a batch. It's just home brew technology really, if you can drink beer, you can make it...

In NZ diesel is cheaper than petrol ($NZ1.46 vs $2.06 atm), but vehicles which run on it pay a per-kilometer Road User Charge so the saving by using home-made biofuel isn't as great as it might be. If they really cared about the environment they'd make the excise payable at the pump, same as petrol, and then a late model diesel running clean biofuel would be worth owning. As it is, it isn't really. Better to ride a bike and use petrol.

But the chemistry is still interesting. Sadly given that our lords and masters think that mining lignite and using it to produce urea and diesel is a green option, when we could plant a few hundred square km of canola instead, I can't see anything changing in my lifetime.

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