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Charging Question


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Charging question......

Hi, All,

Had a problem last week, rode home 10 miles with lights on the 748 and got home just as the bike stopped. Its got a new battery, so I jump started and the battery was running at 11.4v, no fluctuation, but obviously not charging.

I changed the rectifier as this appears to be the most obvious and the stator wiring does not appear to be burnt etc (common fault as the factory wiring is too thin) and the battery is still at 11.4v running.

My question is, could the charging issue be stator wiring or earthing related? - I have some new 27amp wiring to replace back to stator and assume it would also be a good idea to solder all connections instead of bullet connectors, plus intending to replace the battery earth, just incase.

Any other pointers chaps?

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Check your connections to the reg rec , is there a good earth , is there battery voltage to the reg rec , is there a good ac output from the generator ( approx 10 v per 1000 rpm ), check the fuses ISTR they would often blow a fuse when the reg rec died ,

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Check your connections to the reg rec , is there a good earth , is there battery voltage to the reg rec , is there a good ac output from the generator.


Check every connection in the charging system and starting one too!!

You should be able to find what output the generator should be putting out.

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As everyone else has said check your plugs/connections..

I would have a guess and say your Stator is naffed.A couple of things to check..

-Is my generator working? Check with multimeter/voltmeter on the yellow wires. You should have AC at about 35 volts ~5000 RPM.

-is my regulator/alternator working? (The thingymajig under the battery) Check outgoing black and red wires. Should be 12.5 volts on idle, NEVER above 14.

-is the fuse good? LOOK at it. It´s a green or blue 35 or 40 amp fuse just in front of the battery.


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Thanks Chaps,

After replacing the majority of the charging system wiring (woefully underspecced by Ducati), she starts and runs but it looks like the stator as the output is very low.

Any recommendations for getting it rewound? - Can this be done?


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