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Knocking Noises From Engine


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Since the carbs were balanced on Friday I have ridden the bike a few times and clocked up a load more miles, which has higlighted the fact the low down fueling is not quite right, and nor are the suspension settings, but now I am getting used to the noises it makes I have noticed a distinct kncking sound from the engine :icon_pale:

The engine and exhaust are stock apart from from an APE manual cam chain tensioner, and as mentioned the carbs were balanced on Friday. The noise only seems to be there when the bike is ticking over, and seems to get worse as the engine gets hotter. Last night on the drive I took my lid off and listened to the engine to try and work out where the noise is coming from, and it seemed to be from the top of the engine.

So, any ideas what it might be ? do they all do that (sir)

Or should I just rag the tits off it whilst saving for a full engine rebuild ?

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My engine's not quiet but it's not obviously knocky. Does it do it under load and does the clutch being in or out make any difference? Another, slightly silly thing I did on my bike, when I fitted the manual cam chain tensioner I forgot the rubber chunks under the tank, which made a racket at certain revs but not at others.

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When riding the engine sounds surprisingly smooth to me (given that it's 16 years old) and the noise is only at tickover.

I haen't noticed any difference with the clutch in/out, and the little rubber blocks are in place cos I glued them to the tank !

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Been thinking about this throughout the morning, and wondered if it could be down to the manual cam chain tensioner being too tight / too loose ??


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Been thinking about this throughout the morning, and wondered if it could be down to the manual cam chain tensioner being too tight / too loose ??


I believe too tight gives you a whine like noise at speed but too loose would give you the knocking.

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cam chain slackness would give you a bit more noise when you're on the over-run, wouldn't it?

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Its a bit of both I think? Ticking most noticeable at idle from the RIGHT side of the bike is the sign of a duff cct (Or poorly adjusted manual one).

Still think it could be the valve clearances being out of spec, did you check them when you fitted the ape? Would explain your rough running when warmed up.

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The bike was very rattly on the right hand side when I bought it, which was why I fitted the manual CCT, and while the engine is not 'quiet' now there is nothing worrying apart from this knocking at tickover. As soon as you lift the revs above tickover it goes, and doesnt re-appear under load or on the over-run.

The valve clearances haven't been done as far as I know, and given the low mileage (just under 10k) and level of neglect heaped on it by the previuous owner I doubt it very much.

The kids are out at their grandparents on Saturday night, and the wife has a couple of freinds over for eating / drinking duties so I will esape to the garage and have a play with the carbs, and if I get time maybe check the clearances.

Thanks guys.

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Just an update on mine. New shims are in and have stopped the clicking noise but have not helped the bogging down and poor idle return so may actually be fuel related (1st time I did valves so was worth doing). Time to try the sugestions in your other post and see if they help. If not I may take your advice....... :eusa_think:

Or should I just rag the tits off it whilst saving for a full engine rebuild ?

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Took the bike out again this afternoon for a quick tootle to listen to the noises it makes.

Clutch in/out makes no difference.

The knock is actually there until about 3k rpm

The only other thing that has crosed my mind was the oil, I checked the bottle to see what is in there, and it is 15/50, not the recomended 10/40.

Isn't 15/50 a thinner oil then 10/40 ??

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