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Fitting Of Aftermarket Grips


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I've had some Renthal grips hanging about that I decided to fit today, the clutch side went on fine. Top tip, I used brake part cleaner to remove all the previous dried glue and crap safely without harming the bike with harsh solvents.You can also use the brake part cleaner to slip the grip into place real easily and when it dries it forms a very strong bond, or you can use grip glue which is messier but probably better in the long run.

Anyway my question is this, on the throttle side there are flanges on either end of the plastic throttle sleve, that the OE grips have recesses that they slot into for added security and stability. Obviously after market grips don't have these holes to accommodate the new grip and the grip as a result doesn't sit very well, especially the end nearest the head stock.

What do people do the make this work better, do you trim the plastic throttle sleeve, from moving the flanges or do you cut holes in the grip to fit them. The bar end, end of my bike is fine, it's just the other end that isn't sitting very well.

All suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Cut the little blighter orf and add a small amount of hairspary to the grip before you slide it on :thumbsup:

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Cut the little blighter orf and add a small amount of hairspary to the grip before you slide it on :thumbsup:

Very much this, people always look surprised when I mention it, but hairspray allows the grip to slide on very easily, and when it dries it sticks like the proverbial !

As for the plastic bits on the throttle tube, just cut them off so you can slide the grip up to where it should be, just don't get carried away and cut too many bits off, you dont want the rubber grip pushed up against the switch gear or the throttle will stick :icon_pale:

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Top tip for putting grips on...use a compressor with a blower nozzle. stick the grip just on the bar then stick the air nozzle in and blow. slide it on as it 'inflates'. takes a couple of seconds to put a grip on :)

I dont use any glue with renthals and they have never moved. lockwire them for the race look ;)

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Got to add mine i suppose :eusa_whistle:

Take of the old grips.

Use nail polish remover (ask wife/bird for this..Unless :eusa_think: ) to clean the old crap off the bars. Its acetone based so really good.Clean it up and leave it to dry (20 mins)

Spray hairspray inside the grip and slide it on..leave it for 30 mins and it will set.

Jobs a goodun. :thumbsup:

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My tip for getting th old grip off is to slide the WD40 straw up between the bar and the rubber. Give a short squirt of WD in a few places and it starts to become easy to loosen the grip. Soon the old glue gets broken and off it comes.

Clean thoroughly as above.

I like the airline method though, it appeals to my sense of "twat it with a big hammer"

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The airling only works if the grip has a coverred end, sportbike grips tend to be open because the bar has a separate bar end.

I use a big hammer ... well rubber mallet, you don't twat it hard you just need to get the strike flat so the trapped air escapes up the bar (like the airline), sneeaky huh !!!

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My tip for getting th old grip off is to slide the WD40 straw up between the bar and the rubber. Give a short squirt of WD in a few places and it starts to become easy to loosen the grip. Soon the old glue gets broken and off it comes.

Clean thoroughly as above.

I like the airline method though, it appeals to my sense of "twat it with a big hammer"

I use the back of a spoon handle with a few drops of washing up liquid- stick the handle up between the grip and bar and slide it round to release the grip. The washing up liquid helps the grip off and when you clean the grip out, the washing up liquid has had time to degrease the inside, ready for it to be reused!

Hairspray FTW for putting them back on though :)

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The airling only works if the grip has a coverred end,

you're wrong, you just have to give it quick blasts to shift it along the bar. Its how ive always done mine.

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Well I have to admit I used my Zero Tolerance 0350 to cut off my OE grips, they were 5 years old, well worn and never going back on. Using brake part cleaner to clean is an awesome idea, in fact it's a great cleaning agent for all kinds of jobs. Not sure about the hairspray - I'm sure it works, but I'm not buying some all special like...

I thought cutting off the flanges on the throttle body was going to be a perfect excuse to buy a dremel... I might have to wait for christmas for that one though, 'cus I say the cordless Li-ion 8200 and that puppy is sweet, but also a bit pricy..... I want though

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