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Judder From Front Of Bike When Braking


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Hi All,

When braking i am getting quite a bad judder from the front of teh bike, to the point that it's shaking the clocks all over the place.. am thinking it could be one of the below:




any idea's which or any idea's of anything else it could be?


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Most likely to be discs, least likely to be wheel balance


Worth whipping the discs off and freeing up the disc buttons if they don't move - see what it's like after that

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Think you have all the likely culprits covered.

As above check discs, pads and everything is tight. Get front of bike in the air get a mate to pull the bike onto the side stand and check for play in the steering. If loose you could just nip them up or do a proper job and strip clean and re-grease.

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What bike?

I had this on my gsxr1000, discs appeared fine but would kidder like they were warped, I was cleaning the bobbins between trackday sessions and they would get a little better, then back to the judder. Turns out army gsxr1000 k3 discs were iffy, a change to brembO made a big difference...

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get the front up on a headstock stand and run the wheel and check it for rubbing on the disc or discs, deffo reads to me as a warpped disc

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hi chaps,

have just swapped the disc's to a second hand set that i had in the garage will take it for a spin in the morning and see if tehre is any diffrence, if no diffrence will check the head bearings.

its running gsxr tokio calipers... dunno if this has made a diffrence or not...

will see what tomorrow brings.

thanks for the replies lads.

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