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Lost Thread - Srad


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Who was dicking around with mechanical SRAD tensioners recently, could do with picking their brains. Oh and where do such things come from, are they year related i.e. model specific. The kit one sure isn't, but I'm in need of another as 2 are in use.

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I fitted one a few months back, it was a straight swap for the normal pensioners, which I've still got, do if you want hole dimensions etc, I could have a measure. I got mine off eBay in the states as it was cheaper than over here, even with postage. However, daz at melted sliders sells them, I don't know how much for, but he's a nice bloke.

In terms of fitment, there are different size tensioners for earlier and later models which won't fit the srad. I think busas use the same one, but I'm not certain.

Tensioner, not pensioner...

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