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2000 R1 Rattling At About 5k?


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I commute on a 2000 R1, love her, but I commute with an ipod on (Gangster Rap helps me focus) now ive noticed a little more vibration than usual at crusing speed circa 5-6k.

Stopped last night and rode up the drive lid off and listening, sounds fuckin horrible at about 5k under minimal load.

Terminal? or Cam chain tensioner? Sounds quite like a heavy rattle though.

Shes only done 21k, 4 of which in the last two months under my control, and has no history.

Anyone help? :icon_blackeye:

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Sounds like the cam chain rattling ... is it like a tinkling sound ??? Can you put a screwdriver on the crank case near the chain and use it as a stephascope (or buy one cos they're cheap off the bay). If your not sure then ask a garage to have a listen for a second opinion ... or try to get see Mark White because he knows a thing or ten about R1's.

You can take the tensoiner off the engine (buy a new gasket first) and see if it's all the way out, give it a clean and reinstall it. It should tension itself on the next start up. It could be the tensioner is just about to click up a notch but hasn't done yet, which is why you've got the niose.

Or maybe one of the blades has stuck - you can get them out fairly easily but that's assuming you can do it with the engine in place.

Or maybe somebody ran it low on oil and the cam chain has stretched as a result

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It could be any number of things...

...but I'd be checking the Exup valve first

It's one of the most likely culprits and one of the easiest to check & adjust

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