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Ultra Sonic Cleaners


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O.k I finally bit the bullet and bought myself an ultra sonic cleaner and have been annoying the Gf cleaning bits all night :thumbsup:

What / were do i get different fluids so that i can make the best of it. I got some seaweed and coconut extract stuff that came with it but it doesnt seam to do anything (over plain warm water).

I'm going to make a stand so that i can stick bigger parts in with having to set them inside the tank, suspend them in the water as such. (get the most cleaning power out of it).

Anyone got tips/ guide

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RS components who have stores UK wide are the best for cleaning fluid.

They stock a specific alloy safe ultrasonic cleaner for £25 for 5ltrs. It makes carbs look like new.

Be careful if you buy some cheaper brands as the are very aggressive to ally.

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we use stuff called CB50 at work. just done a set of 2 stroke carbs for my mates zapcat. came up sparklie.

it is designed to clean aircraft ally parts in a ultrasonic bath.

Crescent Suzuki also use the stuff as bike wash as well.

actually i use the same stuff to wash my bike/car with as well!! i love my work

company we buy from is Wessex Chemicals. tel. 01202 823699.

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we use stuff called CB50 at work. just done a set of 2 stroke carbs for my mates zapcat. came up sparklie.

it is designed to clean aircraft ally parts in a ultrasonic bath.

Crescent Suzuki also use the stuff as bike wash as well.

actually i use the same stuff to wash my bike/car with as well!! i love my work

company we buy from is Wessex Chemicals. tel. 01202 823699.

Here you go

Wessex Chemicals

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O.k ive hunted Rs site and cannot see the stuff that your talking about

Whats it called ?

Yeah your right it does not show on there site but they have it. I only bought some the other week.

Try calling them.

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HydroIonic acid works a treat, you wont even need to turn the cleaner on and it'll get all your stuff clean/dissolved....

You know, I could use a handfull of that, once. :thumbsup:

I've been using Tuenol of late, not gonna introduce it to any anodised parts though, it's quite nasty.

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HydroIonic acid works a treat, you wont even need to turn the cleaner on and it'll get all your stuff clean/dissolved....

do you mean hydroiodic acid? aqueous HI? pretty hard to come by as its quite useful in making methamphetamine....

we the RS stuff - dirt cheap and works a treat. degass your water first and always use a cage for best results

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