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Some info on HISS ignitions.

Harry Muff

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As some of you will know, my Blade went walkies and was brought back to me by the nice policemen with the help of Tracker.

I need a new ignition barrel and have been making enquiries... With some disturbing yet incorrect information coming to light.

I don't want anyone here to get stung.

The original owner of the bike must have had ignition problems too as I had separate keys for both the ignition and the tank. So, in total, four keys have been registered on the ECM via the HISS since the bike was manufactured.

Only four keys can be registered on any ECM at any one time and if you change the barrel then, obviously, you need two new keys too. So that makes six.

One shop I spoke to told me that once four keys had been registered, then that was it for the ECM. £770 for a new one plus £200 for a new ignition barrel. So we'll call it a grand.

My arsehole tightened in a most unseemly manner.

So then I phoned Doble's to confirm this. It's bollocks. Naturally.

As long as you have at least one key that is recognised by the ECM and HISS then they can reprogramme the new keys on the ECM.

The two oldest keys get forgotten by the ECM.

So there are two morals here:

1. Don't let a shop tell you that once you've had four keys, that's it you need a new ECM.

2. DO NOT lose all the keys that are registered in your ECM. Then you'll be kissing good bye to the thick end of a grand for a new ECM.

I hope this helps someone. It's certainly been an enlightening week...

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Or, buy an American ECU off ebay.com. They aren't fitted with the HISS.

But that would leave your bike without an immobiliser and would have let the scum that nicked mine ride it around and probably wreck it.

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A grand? pah! I have been quoted £1,400 for a R1 barrel/immobiliser combo and they don't sell them separately even though they have separate part no's.

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