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Tracker 2


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I fell into conversation with a chap last night. He said he puts a "tracker" on his cars by buying a £10 PAYG mobile phone and wiring the phone charger to the car battery so that it is always on. Fortunately he has not yet had cause to see how well it works.

So question time

1. How accurate is the tracing of mobile phones? I thought that phones could only be traced to the "cell" they are in, and the size of the cell varies, i.e. fewer cells cover Snowdonia than Central London. Can they get it down do a house, a street, or a postcode?

2. Anyone tried this on a bike? Pitfalls would be siting the phone and battery drain I guess? I suppose the battery on a cheap phone would last a week or more between charges if it is not being used to make calls.

3. Would the phone company easily give up the information in the event of theft? And would the police act on the information received?

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It can be triangulated if the phone is on but depends on the area it's in coverage wise as to how accurate....but...phone companies don't do it routinely it has to be a "serious incident" and they wouldn't do it for an individual Just a stolen vehicle wouldn't be important enough for the police to be able to request it, it would have to have a baby in it or something, which is doubtful on a bike :)

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A bloke I know sells trackers for just this purpose. It has a GPS receiver in it....you get a cheapo SIM and it then updates using the SIM. IIRC he was selling them for about £130

Not alot of money for how much they can help I suppose is it?


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I used to work with a bloke that had a mobile, charged off the battery, in his Discovery permananently.

What was different about this mobile was it was designed for young kiddies, and one of its unique features allowed paranoid parents to log onto a website and see where the phone was.

IIRC as it was a basic phone, perhaps limited to just a couple of emergency only numbers on it, and therefore it was quite cheap.

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You'd have though some clever bod would make clocks with a sim and memory card in them.

But that's common sense! Can't have that in vee-hickle dee-zign... :eusa_dance:

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