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Warped discs...


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How do you know when you've got one?

I suspect that i do, heres why i think so...

1. It sounds like it. (when the wheel is spun when on a stand there is an intermittent rubbing noise above the usual sound)

2. The pattern left by the pads is a bit off. Imaging you have a disc thats a WEE bit brown with rust. and when you take the bike out and give the brakes a few firm applications, the brown is gone, but not on one of them. On one of them, there is still a bit of brown in a line around the the whole disc, about 1cm thick from the outside edge inward.

I also suspect this may have been caused when when i was having brake issues and they were binding on. At one point they got so hot it burnt my hand.

What do you think? Anyone got a spare 07 R1 right front disc handy? :icon_blackeye:

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Using a dial guage would show spot on it but if you haven't got one tape a pointer to the fork leg with it almost touching the disc, turn the wheel and you'll see if there is any degree of runout/warping.

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Does the lever pulse when you apply the brake when riding?


I would have thought that you would get pulsing through the lever if the disc was warped, maybe a sticking caliper or damaged axle could be the cause?.

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I would have thought that you would get pulsing through the lever if the disc was warped, maybe a sticking caliper or damaged axle could be the cause?.

yeah you'd think. Just went back out and it the wear marks seem to be edging their way back to normal.

Very strange. Oh well, I'll just keep riding it and see what happens.

I'll try the marker on the fork thing too. Cheers all.

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I get the on/off scuffing noise too. It's noticeable when I go past cars slowly as the sound bounces back. I don't worry about it.

I can't hear it when on the move. Only when the wheel is turning freely on a paddock stand.

I had thought that maybe when i took the callipers apart before, i didn't put the pads back in the same order as they were before. So they may have to re-bed themselves. Just another theory.

the weather's supposed to be grand for the next few days, and i'm off til Monday, so i plan on using the time to get reacquainted with my steed. Should hopefully sort the brakes in the process.

I just wish it wasn't another week til pay day. I dunno if i can afford many tanks of fuel til then.

Ruddy petrol prices.

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You are obsessing about it again.

Again? haha.

Im actually not worried about this one, It seems to be getting better anyway and there was no loss of braking that i could tell. I just like to put these things to the PB massive to see what opinions are.

I'll just PM you direct next time Zak. :thumbsup:

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